Category: Innovation

  • Three Technological Innovations

    Table of Contents Introduction Worldcoin Cryptobase Hikvision References Introduction This work of scientists is an advanced example of how animals are used to detect human diseases. Scientists are mimicking the locust brain through a neural network in such a way as to create a breath test that could be used in cancer screenings since the…

  • Cloud Technology Innovation in Pharmaceutical Company

    Table of Contents Description of the Company Explanation of the Breakthrough Summaries of Opinions Implementation Addendum/Annotated Bibliography References Description of the Company The organization under focus is a pharmaceutical company that produces medications and develops new drugs. Any entity in this industry looking to succeed in competition has a Research and Development department. Within it,…

  • Innovation and Technology Cycles in Organizations

    Innovation and technology cycles For a long time, organizations have been experiencing various kinds of problems and they have resulted in their management exploring various changes to introduce into their mode of operation. Innovation and technology cycles have been very useful to organizations as they have helped such organizations to realize the changes. Innovation refers…

  • Disruptive Technological Innovations in the Business World

    In the business world, the main objective of technology innovations is to ensure that there is the generation of new companies, and increment of assets and shareholders returns. This research paper will be focusing on innovation and organizational change, and disruptive technologies. Innovation and organizational change entail several activities which play a very crucial role…

  • Tokyo: The City With Innovation

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Questions Innovation in Tokyo-Literature Review Industrial Activities Financial Sector Economic Growth Social Life in Tokyo Gaps in the Literature and Future Research Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Technological advancements have revolutionized humanity, and many industrial activities have been simplified. Artificial intelligence (AI) has improved product quality and manufacturing processes among companies.…

  • Management of Technology Innovations

    Table of Contents Introduction Major Technology Advancements in Business Today Impacts of Technology Innovations in a Business Environment Why Technology Needs to be Managed Strategies for Technology Innovation Management Conclusion Reference List Introduction The technology transformation, which began to take shape in 1980 with the development of the internet and innovation of mobile devices, has…

  • Tokyos Technological Wonder and Innovation

    Table of Contents Background Literature Review Main Issues of Focus Research Questions References Background Tokyo is considered to be one of the most innovative places in the world. In 2021, it managed to wrestle the title from its previous holder, Boston (SmartCitiesWorld, 2021). It was accredited for its strong application of technologies, increased digitalization of…

  • Impact of Advancing Technology on Human Innovation: CRISPR

    Abstract CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) has emerged as an exciting tool for biological research over centuries. It is used in cell alteration and has gained an advantage over the previously used techniques. Due to its high speed and ease of use, it has been endorsed in agriculture and human health, among other…

  • Innovation: Description and Implementation Plan

    Description of the Problem Following the integration of technology such as the hybrid-cloud system, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, API platforms, blockchain, and robotic process automation into company operations, the organizations susceptibility to cybersecurity threats, particularly cyberattacks, has increased significantly. Significant gaps exist in intelligence or knowledge related to the aforementioned risks and accuracy in ascertaining…

  • Military Drones: Innovation Project

    Description Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), popularly known as drones, have revolutionized modern-day wars and the approach that is used to collect data, especially in locations deemed unsafe for military personnel. When a country goes to war, the primary goal, besides winning the war, is to minimize casualties to its soldiers as much as possible. With…