Category: Innovation

  • Internet as a Revolutionary Innovation

    Technology advancements have transformed how humans work, socialize, cook, and even seek medical care. Between 1945 and 2,000, different scientists invented tools and appliances that shape the life of many people in 21st century. One of the major discoveries is the Internet, which over 50% of the global population use on daily basis. For instance,…

  • Payment Innovations in Modern Life

    Table of Contents Introduction Security and other investment issues Conclusion References Introduction Technology goes beyond border. Advances in technological innovations have made things easier including remittance of payments within and outside country and continent borders, in addition to presenting complex challenges in security and issues related to competition amongst the firms or companies venturing in…

  • Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development: Article Critique

    In the article, Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development, Dearing (2009) investigated the diffusion theory by focusing on seven key issues  intervention attributes, intervention clusters, demonstration projects, societal sectors, reinforcing contextual conditions, opinion leadership, and intervention adaptation (p. 503). He found out that these issues accelerated the speed of adopting public health…

  • Digital Social Innovation

    Social Innovation (SIs) can be portrayed as exercises, perspectives, and working approaches that help add to social change. They will be utilized such that colonial government assistance, equity, consideration, and contribution to ecological issues would be equivalent or significant to focus on benefits (Alao et al., 2017). Digital Social Innovation can hence be characterized as…

  • Technologic Innovation for Business: Pros and Cons

    Table of Contents Introduction New Opportunities Better Performance Automation Future Prospects Education Environmental Concerns Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The world has entered the stage of its rapid evolution under the impact of technological advances and the emergence of new devices. The high speed of digitalization resulted in the formation of a new environment characterized by…

  • Tokyo: The City With Innovation

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Questions Innovation in Tokyo-Literature Review Industrial Activities Financial Sector Economic Growth Social Life in Tokyo Gaps in the Literature and Future Research Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Technological advancements have revolutionized humanity, and many industrial activities have been simplified. Artificial intelligence (AI) has improved product quality and manufacturing processes among companies.…

  • Management of Technology Innovations

    Table of Contents Introduction Major Technology Advancements in Business Today Impacts of Technology Innovations in a Business Environment Why Technology Needs to be Managed Strategies for Technology Innovation Management Conclusion Reference List Introduction The technology transformation, which began to take shape in 1980 with the development of the internet and innovation of mobile devices, has…

  • J. J. Thomson and His Innovation in Chemistry

    At the end of the 19th century, disputes continued about the parts of which atoms consisted. Scientific minds have tried to determine whether atoms are the smallest material particle or if there are even smaller elements. An English physicist, J. J. Thomson, was an academic who made one of the scientific revolutions in the history…

  • Seeds of Innovation and Darwin

    The aim of this thesis is to apply Darwins theory of evolution to the seedbeds of innovation that shape the growth of companies during various phases of their business. In order to clarify this objective, the author will look into evolutionary innovation models as applicable to present-day businesses, and compare them with the Abernathy-Utterback framework…

  • Innovation: Wood, Energy, and Medical Firms Case Study

    The term of innovation is broadly discussed nowadays in both scientific and business societies. Not surprisingly, as to be innovative is the only way to stay competitive. The world is changing rapidly, and the consumer demand changes with it. In order to meet the demand, business has no other choice but to implement innovations, some…