Category: International Organizations

  • NATO Expansion: NATO Summit in Bucharest in 2008

    According to the official NATO internet resource, the definition of NATO is the following. The North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO) is an alliance of 28 countries from North America and Europe committed to fulfilling the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4 April 1949 (Welcome to NATO, 2010). The central idea of the…

  • International Organizations. The United Nations

    Introduction United Nations Organization was founded in 1945. This organization aimed to establish world peace and world order after WWII. The alliance of the United Nations, which sheer necessity has brought about, with four World Powers as its corner-stones, therefore might prove a nucleus of world reorganization. Stark reality has brought it about and is…

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization: History

    The picture represents a board consisting of country leaders signing a North Atlantic Treaty in April 1949 and creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)  a war alliance against a pending threat of the Soviet Union (NATO Pact Signed 2017). The round table, at which they all sit, reminds of the tales about King…

  • False Promises of International Institutions by John J. Mearsheimer

    The founder of offensive realism, a professor at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer, is considered to be one of the leading figures in the modern theory of international relations. The sensational article The False Promise of International Institutions by Mearsheimer is devoted to the problem of lies in international organizations and contains a filling…

  • The Peninsula Shield Force

    Table of Contents Origin Formation The Reason for the Formation Achievements Examples of PSFs Heroic Work Reference List Origin The Peninsula Shield Force (PSF), which is also known as Peninsula Shield, is a military union found within the Gulf region. It is the brainchild of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf…

  • European Parliament: Why It Failed to Gain the Trust of Citizens?

    Table of Contents Introduction European Parliament Misrepresentation Euroscepticism Brexit Disputes Conclusion Works Cited Introduction European Parliament (EP) is an essential part of governance and representation in the European Union. Representation plays a vital role in the democratic aspect of EP, which means that it allocates a certain number of seats for each member nation. Although…

  • Current Role of U.N. in World Affairs

    Table of Contents Introduction Role of United Nations Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The United Nations has a great role to play in current world affairs despite the few perspectives of its failure. The role of the United Nations goes beyond political and security matters. At the same time, the organization has been successful in a…

  • NATO as a Changing Defence and Security Institution

    Table of Contents Introduction New interventions NATO during the Cold War NATO during post-Cold War period References Introduction In recent times, NATO has made a significant impact in regional and global security efforts. Although, NATO was established to maintain security in Western Europe and North America, the organization has provided solutions in other regions (Brzezinski…

  • United Nations Role in World Affairs

    Since the world has become vastly more complicated, there is the likelihood of conflicts, international crimes, and other kinds of felonies that individual governments cannot adequately cope with. There is therefore a dire need for international interventions to solve these issues when they arise and prevent their occurrence in the future. This is why United…

  • The Power of International Organizations

    Table of Contents Introduction Four Theoretical Approaches Two Factors of Power Implications and Repercussions Conclusion References Introduction International organizations are an expression of societys evolution from more primitive relations between states to more complex ones. Institutions such as the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, and even EU were formed with one common goal  to…