Category: International Organizations

  • Red Cross as an International Organization

    Table of Contents Abstract Establishment of the Body Standards of the Body List of Members Purpose of the Body Functions of the Organization Achievements of the Organization List of References Abstract The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body, its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has…

  • The United Nations Strengths and Weaknesses

    What are the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations? Read this essay to find out! Find here examples of United Nations strengths and weaknesses for a SWOT analysis or a case study. Table of Contents United Nations Strengths and Weaknesses: Introduction Strengths and Weaknesses of the United Nations: Analysis Strength and Weakness of the…

  • The United Nations vs Imperial Systems

    With the continuous course of history, the forms of leadership, the level of effectiveness, and the methods and values of governance have constantly been changing. A similar trend has emerged in international cooperation and governance, where the once imperialist area has been replaced by the image of the United Nations today. There are different opinions…

  • The United Nations Digital Media Connection

    The United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of international open-minded society. The organization tries to provide the most authoritative information for the representatives of the general public to understand what changes are currently needed and why. Thus, it is vital for the UN…

  • The United Nations Security Council Membership

    Table of Contents Introduction The need to increase United Nations Security Council membership Equitable representation Changing power structures Increased role of the Security Council United Nations Budget Security Council composition; the way forward References Introduction The United Nations Security Council is increasing becoming a critical player in the world affairs and power relations between nations.…

  • The United States Foreign Policy Actors

    It is prudent to approach the U.N., NATO, and E.U. as the foreign policy actors. The main reason for engaging these three actors is that they handle various issues (Smith, Hadfield & Dunne, 2016). Additionally, they have numerous member states, and this means that most of the policies that the organizations initiate will be favorable.…

  • Intergovernmental Global Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations

    Table of Contents Introduction Intergovernmental Global Organizations Non-governmental organizations Conclusion Reference Introduction Every country in the world is part of the wider global community. Each nations economic strength lies in the ability to work with others. Similarly, as part of the human race, individuals can only attain maximum potential when they identify with certain groups…

  • Support for a Stronger United Nations Security Force

    Introduction Global peace and security are among the UNs core missions. When it was founded in 1945, it was hoped that the United Nations could serve as a global high command to keep the peace in a post-colonial, post-fascist world (Alagappa and Inoguchi 3). This hope was further raised by the end of the Cold…

  • Development in the United Nations

    Table of Contents Introduction Achievements of the UN Combating Diseases Promoting Sustainability The World Bank: Funding Developing Nations The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) Conclusion Reference List Introduction The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental body that promotes international cooperation. It replaced the League of Nations, the organisation that had been in existence before…

  • World Vision International Organizations Activities

    Abstract The paper describes the activities of World Vision International is an international development and non-governmental organization in the context of the cooperation between globalization, individual cultures, and such organizations. The paper aims to discuss the effects of the organizations activities on individual cultures and evaluate the effectiveness of the organizations work in addressing the…