Category: Interpretation

  • Technology in Human Interpretation

    Table of Contents Thesis and Major Points The Reason for Discussing the Main Points Critical Questions to Explore in Class Connections to Rhetoric and Philosophy of Technology Work Cited Thesis and Major Points The article discusses three ways in which humans associate with technology based on their understanding. The thesis is that humans interpret technology…

  • Present Interpretation of the Term Lying

    Introduction Criticized by ancient philosophers, lying has become an inherent trait of modern community. An episode from The Andy Griffith Show about Mr. McBevee demonstrates the complexity of the modern concept of lying and deception which requires taking into account not only the individuals motives in telling a lie, but also the awareness of delusiveness…

  • The Interpretation of Abstract Data

    Qualitative research is a beneficial approach to examining issues of philosophical nature. It is widely used by scholars who intend to observe social phenomena since quantitative methods do not provide sufficient information in this respect. Hence, qualitative studies are more beneficial when it is required to generate theories or discover meanings. The interpretation of such…

  • Present Interpretation of the Term Lying

    Introduction Criticized by ancient philosophers, lying has become an inherent trait of modern community. An episode from The Andy Griffith Show about Mr. McBevee demonstrates the complexity of the modern concept of lying and deception which requires taking into account not only the individuals motives in telling a lie, but also the awareness of delusiveness…

  • Class in America by Gregory Mantsios: Source Text Interpretation

    In his article Class in America, Gregory Mantsios raises the acute question of a persons social success dependence on class in modern America. Although the division into social classes is very arbitrary, nevertheless, in reality, there is a significant stratification of the U.S. population into various class categories. There are a number of models for…

  • Thomas Theorem and Interpretation of Situations

    Thomas Theorem is a sociological perspective that explains the way people perceive and interpret reality. The theorem states that If individuals define situations as real, they are real in their consequences (Bornmann & Marx, 2020; Sack, 2022). The main idea of this concept is that facts are not the same; rather, they differ significantly depending…

  • Descartess Interpretation of the Problem of Error

    Table of Contents Explanation of the Main Thesis Three Sources of Errors Evaluation and Critique of Descartess Theory Works Cited The Problem of Error is an essential philosophical and theological question that has been a matter of debate for many centuries, especially during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. The discussion examines the…

  • Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie: Interpretation

    Table of Contents Setting Clues Evidence Gathering Discovery Setting The first part of the book focuses mainly on the theme of identity and introducing the characters. The identity of the main character, Poirot, is not presented in the first chapters. Perhaps, the author used this method to emphasize his detective capabilities instead of merely stating…

  • Praise, Blame and Interpretation in Literature

    Description and analysis are the initial stages of learning the content of a literary work. Notional selection for analysis of one side of the whole text and identification of its place and meaning in the system allows an understanding of its general meaning in a new way. However, singling out one side without reference to…

  • Originality as Interpretation Philosophy of Law

    Table of Contents Introduction Philosophy of Originalism The opposing philosophy of constitutional interpretation Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Originality is a philosophy that is associated with interpretation. It has been used since the 1980s after being coined by Paul Brest. In this case, originality can be termed as a hypothesis of explanation and interpretation. Originality…