Category: Jeremy Bentham

  • The Philosophy of Jeremy Bentham’s Life

    Jeremy Bentham was an English philosopher, political radical and legal and social reformer of the early Modern period. He is best known as the founder of Utilitarianism, which he saw as the underlying moral principle on which his legal and social reforms should be based. Although his influence during his life was perhaps minor, his…

  • Bentham and Foucault’s Panopticon

    Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher and social theorist in the mid-1700s, invented a social control mechanism that would become a comprehensive symbol for modern authority and discipline in the western world: a prison system called the Panopticon. The basic principle for the design, which Bentham first completed in 1785, was to monitor the maximum number…

  • Jeremy Bentham’s Definition of Ethics: Analytical Essay

    Gurjinder Singh Bhamra 1710160 CARC5003 In this piece of writing, I will be analyzing and commenting on the Al Wakrah Stadium and the controversy that surrounded it. The stadium (4) was designed for the FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar which can seat 40,000 people. With the design of this stadium, they had planned to…

  • John Austins Legal Positivism and Jeremy Bentham’s Principle of Utility: Analytical Essay

    Introduction The analytical school of law is considered to be the most important aspect of law regarding its relation to the state. Herein, the law is treated as if it has emerged from the sovereign i.e. the state. This is the reason why the analytical school of jurisprudence is also considered to be a positive…

  • Philosophy of Utilitarianism in Ideas of Jeremy Bentham

    Philosophy Term Paper: Jeremy Bentham Jeremy Bentham is a famous English political radical and philosopher. Among his philosophical works, the most well-known is the concept of utilitarianism in which the acts and actions are assessed based on the potential outcomes and consequences (Stanford Encyclopedia, 2019). The most aspired result or the relevant outcome is happiness…

  • Bentham and Mill Utilitarianism Essay

    The basic foundation for answering what is considered good would lead to a consequentialist answer that is anything producing a net amount of pleasure or happiness. All people seek happiness so this is the ideal mechanism that determines morality. Utilitarianism is a perspective wherein the fulfillment of the best number of people in the overall…