Category: Julius Caesar

  • Caesars Legion Book by Stephen Dando Collins

    Julius Caesar is known as one of the greatest and most influential rulers of the Roman Empire. With the proclamation of Caesars power, Rome quickly started to rise, which scared and simultaneously fascinated many. Before becoming the ruler of the Roman Empire, Caesar showed himself as a talented general of the Roman Republic and a…

  • The Play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

    As a character, Julius Caesar is defined by hubris and commitment to the grandiose. In Shakespeares eyes, Caesar is the ultimate emperor: simultaneously destructive and strangely magnificent in his yearning for omnipotence. The conspirators accuse Caesar of ambition, and his actions back up their claim: he does fight for full dominance over Rome. The adoration…

  • The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

    Literary Element Act I Act II Act III Act IV Act V Archetypes A common type of character, conflict, or plot seen in literature Scene:II Explanation:The archetype in act 1 focuses on Brutus, representing the tragic hero, who is usually a protagonist. In this scene, Brutus is proven to be a tragic hero centered on…

  • The Julius Caesar Play by William Shakespeare

    While segmentation between public and private identities helps preserve the character desired to be portrayed, the complexity of a divergent behavior trail renders it difficult to identify ones intentions on the subject. This grim is attained through manipulating ones character to match the qualities an observer anticipates. The dynamics of character alteration allow the performer…

  • Three Appeals in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Play

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction In rhetoric, the use of Aristotles three appeals is often viewed as a crucial component of any discourse. Implying that every argument must have ethos, logos, and pathos, the specified principle allows identifying a strong statement and determining the goals of a particular message. In…

  • Betrayal and Deceit as Depicted in the Play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

    In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the tale is built on a foundation of betrayal and deceit. There are several instances throughout the play in which significant characters are either directly involved or are the victims of enormous betrayals. The most atrocious acts of treachery and dishonesty are committed against Julius Caesar by…

  • Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Summary

    Julius Caesar is a history play written by William Shakespeare. The plot of the piece concerns Brutus and Cassius conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar and, in some way, the consequences of these actions. The plays first act establishes Caesars influence and the motivations for his assassination, which lies in the extent of his influence. Cassius,…

  • Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

    Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion References Introduction Aristotle, a well known and generally recognized dramatic tragedies pioneer, highlighted his vision of the true tragic hero which can be analyzed through the work Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. The story is considered to be a masterpiece of the world literature disclosing the era of ambitious…

  • Caesars Fame and Influence on His Succession

    Table of Contents Reasons Why Octavian Triumphed Plutarchs Accounts Evidence of Propaganda Work Cited Caesars name and posthumous reputation were significant in deciding the outcome of the power struggle that followed his assassination. The death of Caesar initiated a civil war that pitted his nephew Octavian and one of his assassinators, Anthony. Before his death,…

  • What Led Up to the Assassination of Julius Caesar

    Gaius Julius Caesar was an ancient Roman politician who transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Caesar became an outstanding general, orator, writer, and reformer. The person was consul of the Roman Republic and then accomplished the conquest of all of Gaul and parts of Britain as proconsul. Caesar participated in the civil war,…