Category: Karl Marx

  • Karl Marxs Sociology and Its Principles

    Abstract In this paper, the general description of Marxs sociology is given. A review of literature that focuses on different aspects of Marxs theory about society is provided. A comprehensive analysis of the literature sources is conducted, and the main purposes of these sources are identified. A general overview of Marxs sociology is provided in…

  • Analysis of A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy by Marx

    K. Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1977, with some notes by R. Rojas. In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces…

  • MacDonaldization and Marxs Social Change Model

    Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion Reference Introduction Social change is societal change in the aspects of the social institutions, structures, associations, and behavioral models. When these aspects change to a large extent and the changes are kept, social change is said to have taken place especially changes in the behavioral aspect. (Aron, 1967) The…

  • Risk Society and Karl Marxs Response to It

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reference Introduction A German philosopher who has been credited with the Communism introduction, Carl Marx developed a socio-political and economic theory whose impact is still felt to date. He observed that the capitalist world will eventually explode due to industrialization that would leave the majority poor jobless and…

  • Karl Marxs Sociology and Its Principles

    Abstract In this paper, the general description of Marxs sociology is given. A review of literature that focuses on different aspects of Marxs theory about society is provided. A comprehensive analysis of the literature sources is conducted, and the main purposes of these sources are identified. A general overview of Marxs sociology is provided in…

  • Durkheim and Marx: The Division of Labor

    The division of labor can be described as the process of separating tasks in an economic system so that individuals can specialize based on their specific competencies. The concept was popularized by Adam Smith when he noted that productivity increases when workers are divided and assigned different roles. Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx are two…

  • Class and Alienation According to Marx

    Table of Contents Introduction The theory The link Conclusion Reference Introduction Class and alienation in the common world seem to be inevitable and all human beings will never be equal in terms of economy, social, political, religion or philosophy. The social class throughout the world is evident, and the best example is the big gap…

  • Karl Marx and Marx Weber: Suffering in the Society

    Many sociologists, including Karl Max and Marx Weber, have tried to explain different contemporary issues in our society. In this paper, I will discuss how Karl Max and Marx Weber have explained the nature and cause of suffering in society. In addition to this, I will discuss Marx Weber regarding the connection between religion and…

  • Karl Marxs and Max Webers Contributions to Sociology

    Table of Contents Introduction Comparison of Marxs and Webers Ideas Comparison of Methodology and Approaches Contribution of Marx and Weber Conclusion References Introduction The world knows many sociologists who have made significant contributions to the study of society and its interactions. However, as in any area of knowledge, in sociology, one can single out the…

  • Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche: Comparative Analysis

    Table of Contents Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Karl Heinrich Marx Friedrich Nietzsche Works cited Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born on 27th August, 1770 in Stuttgart, Germany and died on 14th November, 1831, in Berlin. At Tübingen he studied theology and after that pursued contemporary philosophy and Greek classics. He also…