Category: Kindness

  • The Meaning Of Kindness

    Kindness is one short word but associated with many positive traits. Being generous, helpful, hospitable, considerate, polite, compassionate, thoughtful, and having affection are associated with kindness. All of us learned this virtue in different places like in school, in church, and inside our home. Many people teach us how to be kind and how to…

  • The Features Of Kindness Quality

    Kindness is a virtue that these days is seldom found. These days, people are so busy fulfilling their own wants and needs that they ignore those of others. For the rest, being kind to others is out of the question. Kindness is the quality of being respectful to others and considerate. It is a quality…

  • Creating A Kindness Society

    In today’s modern society the connection between humans is fading away faster and faster and will probably be gone in about 45 years to come if nothing changes. People no longer feel the need to know the person right next to them or talk to others during their free time. This disconnection is caused by…

  • Killing And Kindness In The Lottery

    In ‘The Lottery by Shirley Jackson there is a lot of pointless violence. Her story emphasizes the idea that all Americans are constantly trying to do bad. The yearly ritual of the lottery promotes the killing of an innocent individual each time the lottery is conducted. Throughout history as well as currently, there have continuously…

  • The Lack Of Kindness Within The World In The Play King Lear

    Within the world kindness is a symbol of love and compassion. The values and thoughts individuals may have might differ and contrast with another, but the feeling and joy of bring kindness into ones heart is an undeniable sensation that can be appreciated by all around the world. When one is stripped or denied these…