Category: Mark Zuckerberg

  • The Social Network and Mark Zuckerberg’s Success Story

    Upon the release of the American biographical drama film The Social Network, it received universal praise, making it one of the best films created in 2010. The film follows the real-life story of Mark Zuckerberg and the uprise of his global social networking platform, dwelling on themes such as friendship, power, class and more. While…

  • Mark Zuckerberg’s Personality Based on the Movie The Social Network

    The Social Network is a biography of the co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The movie is basically based on the book written by Ben Mezrich in 2009. The name of the book was The Accidental Billionaires. The movie was directed by Aaron Sorkin and released in 2010. The movie got very popular and being nominated…

  • Mark Zuckerberg: Entrepreneur And Philanthropist

    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14 of 1984 in White Plains, New York to Edward Zuckerberg and Karen Kempner. His family lived in Dobbs Ferry, where his father worked as a dentist, and his mother as a phyciatrist. Zuckerberg was always interested in coding, computers, video games, and Star Wars, and excelled in…

  • Mark Zuckerberg: Life And Success

    By giving people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent. INTRODUCTION Mark Zuckerberg is the originator, executive and CEO of Facebook .Here’s the means by which he constructed the incomprehensibly effective web based life business. Early Life and Education Zuckerberg was conceived on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York, and…

  • Mark Zuckerberg: Leadership Style, Behavioral And Trait Approach

    The success of an organization mostly counts on the leadership capacities of its managers. Feeling relaxed and comfortable in a position of leadership and having authority are two of the requirements for developing great leadership skills. Some personality characteristics that create a great manager are the flexibility, motivation and good communication. (The ten most important…