Category: McDonald’s

  • The McDonalds Coffee Case: Liebeck vs. McDonalds

    The case of Liebeck v. McDonalds regarding the formers injury is a matter of public importance and, therefore, should be decided for providing the requested award in order to demonstrate the need for a change. This stance is explained by the fact that similar occasions contribute to the elaboration of measures ensuring customers safety. Moreover,…

  • Working at McDonalds by Amitai Etzioni

    In his article Working at McDonalds, Amitai Etzioni argues that American teenagers face a number of problems in their lives in case they decide to take a part-time job. The author uses the example of McDonalds chain as a pioneer in the field of employing young people who are still at school to show how…

  • McDonalds Tiffany Advertisement Analysis

    Advertisements that present information visually instead of using text can imprint certain ideas onto potential customers. Instead of choosing a written advertisement, it is more convenient and efficient to show audiences a single image. This way, a connection between a brand and a certain situation/outcome/scenario will be made. This can be exemplified by many advertisements,…

  • The McDonalds Pedestrian Crossing Ad Placement

    Figure 1. McDonalds Ad placement  Though a catchy commercial jingle and an eye-catching logo might seem the quintessence of a successful advertisement, there are several other components that contribute to its impact, ad placement being among the key ones. The placement of the advertisement above reinforces its meaning and core message, making the statement all…

  • Jacksons McDonalds or IBM: Summary and Response

    Summary It can be said that school life is the time when one can really see the potential among the students and students should be molded according to their potentials to become successful in their future life. In recent times some schools of America are trying to involve the students to make career choices when…

  • The McDonalds Green Initiatives

    Introduction Background of the study McDonalds Corporation started its business in 1948 as a single restaurant in California. Currently, it comprises the largest chain of restaurants specializing in hamburger fast foods that serve a total of forty-seven million customers daily (Svoboda, 1995, p.1). The fast-food industry giant owns 31,000 restaurants in 119 countries worldwide most…

  • The Nonmarket Environment of McDonalds

    Abstract Despite McDonalds success in the fast-food market, it has faced severe negative publicity, which arises from various nonmarket issues. Some of the most controversial issues surrounding the firm include obesity lawsuits and defamations, the presence of carcinogens in its French fries, and being branded a perpetrator of international animal cruelty and environmental damage. The…

  • McDonalds and Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

    McDonalds is among the largest fast-food chains in the world. The global organization is present in about 120 countries all over the planet. Even though its leaders take proactive steps to create decent working conditions for their employees at all levels, labor issues often arise. The company has recently faced three new sexual harassment lawsuits,…

  • Behind the Counter at Mcdonalds

    The first article I wish to summarize, Behind the Counter at McDonalds, concerns Robin Leidners research conducted about the employees alienation due to the routinization of work. The author did a participant observation at McDonalds as a model of formal rationality and standardized rules. The observation has shown that the routinization of work at McDonalds…

  • McDonalds Companys Aspects of Efficiency

    Table of Contents Introduction McDonaldization Influence Magnitude of McDonaldization Works Cited Introduction The strategic focus and organizational management have positioned McDonalds on the principles of calculability, control, efficiency, and predictability. This paper attempts to explicitly examine the extent to which my life is McDonaldized. McDonaldization Influence The aspect of efficiency as a McDonaldization value revolves…