Category: Meditation

  • Second Meditation a Work by Descartes

    In the Second Meditation, Descartes operates on concepts the core of which seems impossible to doubt. At the beginning of this meditation, he claims that there are no thoughts since he has convinced himself that there is nothing in the world. However, he further comes to a conclusion that he does exist. The purpose of…

  • Descartes Concept of Self Described in Meditations

    Table of Contents Introduction The Core Argument Possible Objections Rebuttal Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Descartes is correct that the essential self as a thinking entity is central to ones consciousness, unlike the self as a material entity. The Core Argument Descartes concept of self revolves around the idea of the dualism of mind and body.…

  • Cartesian Meditations by Edmund Husserl

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Section Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the book, Cartesian Meditations, Edmund Husserl speaks about the main problems of phenomenology including such topics as static and genetic phenomenology, reduction and intersubjectivity. The central thesis of Husserls mature work is that of the life-world, a term that refers to the concrete reality…

  • Descartes Meditations and Believes

    Meditation I. Descartes reflects on numerous deceptions he has believed in, and the ensuing faultiness of the body of knowledge he has developed based on those falsehoods (Descartes Existence of God 17). Consequently, Descartes decides to relinquish the inherent knowledge and develop a new one based on definite foundations. Notably, he realizes that he has…

  • Descartes Meditations and First Philosophy

    In Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes presents a metaphysical system in which he expands his philosophical view of doubt. Descartes notes that he has been mistaken all along, even on matters he presumed to be certain. The author resolves to abandon his pre-conceptions acquired through the senses in a bid to rebuild his knowledge…

  • Passage 3 in Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy

    The third passage in Descartess Meditations attracts my attention the most because it reveals the authors initial but grounded thought on the subject and provides an opportunity to consider why he has started his discussion (1). While the first passage seems to be introductory, this one summarizes the most critical information and allows understanding why…

  • Hobbes and Arnauds Replies to Descartes Meditations

    Table of Contents Introduction Arnauds objections Hobbes objections Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Rene Descartes was a thinker who was best known for his contribution in the field of philosophy. In Meditations, Descartes focuses on epistemic and metaphysical matters (Moriarty 13). Through this, he shed more light on the existence, mind, and answers about God. In…

  • Philosophy: Descartes Meditation I

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary Critical Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Reading Descartes Meditation may be difficult because of the impossibility of finding out the truth and staying consistent. The intention of the author to clarify the things to doubt is a complex work with many perspectives. In this paper, the analysis of Descartes Meditation 1 is…

  • Descartes Meditation II: Reading Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary Critical Evaluation Conclusion Introduction After reading the first part of Descartes Meditation, it was interesting to learn other thoughts about the chosen topic. His Meditation 2 about the human mind and the body seems to be a logical continuation of the discussion. The goal of the chapter is to understand…

  • Gifford-May on Deep States of Meditation Review

    Meditation is a process concerning the condition of the persons soul when his or her mind does not take part in the process. Meditation aims to relax, to forget all problems, and to try to look inside oneself. The process of meditation is rather long and complicated, as it may be difficult for people to…