Category: Memory

  • The Problem of Unreliability of Eyewitness Memory

    Eyewitness accounts tend to be valuable strengths of a case, but it is vital to question their credibility because of how memory functions and its associated problems. Even though the eyewitness stories may be reliable, as most people believe, in some instances, they are slightly accurate or, at times, wrong (Spielman, 2017). A person cannot…

  • Types of Memory and Its Functions

    There are certain differences between short-term and long-term types of memory that are based on specifics of the performed functions and processes. It is also important to note that short-term memory and long-term memory can function differently depending on an individuals age (Windsor, 2015). While discussing other aspects associated with these types of memory and…

  • Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory Difficulties

    Assessment of memory difficulties especially neuropsychological memory assessment can only be done by clinical professionals (Walsh 1978). Normally negative scores in regard to these assessments do not always mean the presence of serious memory problems. Its only the complete memory assessment that can establish this. While taking these tests the scores are seen to improve…

  • Memory Cells in Cellular Immunity

    Cellular immunity, also called cell-mediated, is an adaptive immunity in which lymphocytes of T type seek and attack diseased or foreign cells. The principal classification divides T lymphocytes into cytotoxic T (Tc), helper T (Th), regulatory T (Tr), and memory T (Tm) (Saladin, 2020). Tc cells are called the effectors  they attack foreign cells…

  • The Role of Memory Space, Its Representation and Production

    Memory space can be explained in terms of transformation processes of a given anthropic environment. This type of environment can be an urban small scale or urban great scale. Presentation and production of memory space occurs under the following key areas such as architecture, surveying, urban modeling, environment, design, internet and value-added. In fact, the…

  • Influence of Sleep on Human Thinking Abilities, Emotional State, and Memory

    Table of Contents Introduction Sleep Disturbance: Effects on the Brain Impact of Sleep on Thinking Ability The Effect of Sleep on Human Memory Influence of Sleep on the Emotional State of a Person Conclusion References Introduction Sleep is a unique state during which several critical neurophysiological and chemical processes occur in the human body, affecting…

  • Representations and Productions of Memory Space

    Introduction People visiting museums expect to gain experience about certain historic events through conceiving the history of artistic objects. They attend various exhibitions and events to learn more about collections relating to a specific historic period. However, it is often difficult to understand what kind of knowledge is received through these collections, as well as…

  • The Impact of Attention and Memory on Learning

    Instruction and learning involve a complex interplay of cognitive processes, including visual attention, auditory attention, selective attention, and working memory. Visual attention is the capacity to focus on and process visual information, such as images or text. Auditory attention is, the measure of focus on and auditory process information, such as speech or music. Selective…

  • Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali: Paintings Description

    The chosen artwork is Persistence of Memory (24.1 x 33 cm) by Salvador Dali. It was written in 1931 and is located in the Museum of Modern Art in New York (Ling, 2017). The prominent elements in the composition are watches, mountains, the fluffy object located in the center, and the color contrast. These slow…

  • The Effect of Music on Serial Short Term Memory

    Abstract To find out the effect of background music on short term memory, an experiment was carried out on two groups. This was to investigate the hypothesis that background music when played during cognitive processing would disrupt the participants level of concentration for the memory recall test compared to the control group, which by having…