Category: Minimum Wage

  • Increased Minimum Wage and Its Implications

    Ford, George S. Updating the Minimum Wage: Setting a Uniform Wage across a Diverse America. Phoenix Center Perspectives, vol. 21, no. 01, 2021, pp. 1-10. With the Democratic Party once again becoming the flagship of American politics, the topic of reformation of the minimum wage policy in the states has become relevant. In his paper,…

  • Federal Minimum Wage Really Help the Working Poor?

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Procedural fairness in public administration is one of the major issues discussed in many democratic societies. Canadians also strive for fairness but public administrators sometimes fail to ensure procedural fairness and transparency, which leads to tension in the society and a lack of trust in…

  • Nova Scotia Minimum Wage Increasing

    Table of Contents Issue Why Is This an Issue? Background Risks and Considerations Recommendation Annex: Other Options Considered References Issue There is pressure from certain organizations (such as workers labor unions) to increase the minimum wages to $15 per hour. Why Is This an Issue? Increasing the minimum hourly wages is an issue because there…

  • Should the Province of Nova Scotia Increase Its Minimum Wage?

    Table of Contents Analysis Policy recommendation Annex: Other options considered Reference What is the issue? People in Nova Scotia, Canada want to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour because they do not earn enough money to make both ends meet. Why is this an issue? The wage of $10.70 is not enough for…

  • Minimum Wage Increase for Low-Income Workers

    Table of Contents Discussion Fight for Fifteen Conclusion Works Cited There are a plethora of people who occupy such low-income positions as waiters, housecleaners, nannies, and so on. These individuals receive minimum wages that should cover their primary needs (food, utilities, and clothing). If the government considers raising the paychecks of citizens who work at…

  • Minimum Wage and Living Conditions in America

    Table of Contents Introduction Background of the issue Why the issue is controversial Common ground Opposing views Refutation Supporting my position Statement of merit Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The issue of the minimum wage in the US dates back to 1938 when President Roosevelt introduced a 25 cents/hour wage as the lower limit earning for…

  • Low Minimum Wage Should Be Increased in the US

    Table of Contents General Overview of the Problem Addressing Long-Standing Racial and Gender Inequities Reducing Poverty Fueling Economic Growth Opposing View Conclusion References Each country adopts its laws regarding the minimum wage for the local population in order to stop the exploitation of workers. In fact, these laws establish the line that cannot be crossed…

  • Minimum Wage of $15 per Hour: Arguments Against

    Table of Contents The Impact of the Growth on the Well-Being of the Poor Economic Outcomes of the Growth of the Base Wage Conclusion Works Cited The minimum wage was introduced many decades ago to secure the rights of workers and ensure that employers would not make people work for extremely low wages. This standard…

  • Minimum Wage and the Distribution of Income

    Table of Contents Introduction The Supporters Arguments The Opposing Arguments Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Since the United States has always been viewed as a country of enormous economic opportunities, the minimum wage issue has been debated for a long time. The opponents of raising salaries claim that this policy may increase unemployment in the…

  • Raising Federal Minimum Wage by 2025: Pros & Cons

    Table of Contents Introduction The Pros and Cons of Raising the Federal Minimum Wage Conclusion References Introduction There are different opinions regarding the idea of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025. Currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25, and supporters and opponents of the increase mandated by the 2021 Wage Increase…