Category: Motivation

  • Motivation Theories Explaining Individual Behavior

    Table of Contents Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Theories and Principles/Abstract Conceptualization Testing and Application/Active Experimentation References Understanding the factors that motivate employees to perform and deliver better results is inherent to successfully manage organizational issues and meeting the set goals. However, motivational theories are numerous and varied, providing different perspectives on how staff members…

  • Motivational Theories in the Workplace

    Motivation may be defined as cognitive decision-making to initiate and monitor behaviour with the purpose of reaching a specific goal. At work, evaluations are conducted using appraisals, which have predetermined standards and whose conclusions decide whether the person is satisfied or unsatisfied. Motivation is critical in all enterprises, whether private or public, since it motivates…

  • Motivation Strategies and Approaches at Workplace

    Abstract Employees require motivation at workplace. Motivation is a crucial factor of consideration that management teams are supposed to execute when managing employees. From this research study, the best motivation strategies have been identified and discussed in regards to two different types of employees working in the same organization. One of the employees is sharp…

  • Performance-Driven Teams and Motivation

    A performance-driven team, to which some refer as a high-performance team, differs from a common one in its efficiency. It has such general elements as social interaction, meaningful cooperation, different roles, and a purpose (Dominguez et al., 2016). Additionally, a performance-driven team has such features as a direction, a common approach, and mutual accountability, meaning…

  • Motivation & Negative Contribution Margin

    Negative margins are usually a consequence of the inability of the firm to control costs or more global problems: macroeconomic, government, or industry difficulties beyond the control of the company. If we analyze the reasons in more detail, then we can highlight the following. First, a spike in commodity prices can make costs significantly higher…

  • Problems With Blaming Poor Workplace Performance on Low Motivation

    As a rule, every organization pursues high performance rates and seeks to deploy the strategies that lead to an increase in the output. However, identifying the barriers to effective performance may become rather difficult due to the abundance of factors influencing employees performance rates. The reasoning behind the specified assumption is easy to understand since…

  • CVS Caremark Companys Motivational Problems

    Introduction Motivational problems at work places are a great hindrance to performance and creativity. Motivation can be termed as a strong desire or urge that drives, maintains and invigorates a person to keep on going towards achieving his/her goals or targets. There are different things that motivate people, and vary from one individual to another.…

  • Impact of Organization Restructuring on Motivation

    Table of Contents Introduction Reasons for restructuring Impacts of restructuring Recommendations References Introduction Organizational restructuring may bring positive or negative impacts on the motivation of the members of the organization. Although changes of an organization may achieve cohesion among the members and increased morale due to a change in the culture, it may bring changes…

  • Motivational Problems at Workplace

    Managers have the responsibility to make workers motivated since lack of it can be a source of many problems in the workplace. Motivation is the reason why people want to work. There is a gap that exists between an individuals desired state and the actual state. Motivation, therefore, is a means to reduce and manipulate…

  • Motivational Factors in the Workplace

    Table of Contents Introduction Source of Motivation Cognitive Evaluation Theory Self-Efficacy Expectant Theory References Introduction There are a lot of misconceptions in the workplace as to how to motivate employees to perform at optimum levels. Most managers especially those newly appointed unknowingly try to implement models and styles that worked for them but are not…