Category: Moving to America

  • Ethnic Contributions To America: Food, Religion And Culture

    America is extraordinarily affected and improved by the numerous ethnicities and societies which possess it. Reasons ranging from politics, economy, natural disasters, the wish to change ones surroundings and poverty are in the list of the major causes of immigration in both the past and today. In many states and countries, immigration comes with complexities…

  • Moving To America: Muslims Immigrants

    Religion is like a pair of shoes& Find one that fits you, but don’t make me wear your shoes. (George Carlin, Good Reads). America is known for the First Amendment, which guarantees everyone their freedom of religion. Since the ratification of the Constitution, immigrants have flocked to the United States to escape discrimination from their…

  • Immigration Issues While Moving To America

    Over the years, it has become a common misconception in the United States that there is an over-population of illegal immigrants, and it is an issue that must be addressed. Many believe it is not in the countrys best interest to create a process that is simpler for people coming into the United States. Immigrants…

  • Moving To America: Legislative And Social Issues

    Giridhar Dayaneni had to make a choice. He had to immigrate to America for a job or he could have stayed back in India and continued his life there. But he decided to leave his family and friends so that he could begin a new life in the United States. Migrating to a new country…

  • Immigration To US: The Problems That People Face

    Immigration is one of the biggest issues the United States suffers the most with. Some people may not care much about these issues, only because they are affected by it very minimally, or even not at all. Most Americans believe that immigration does not apply to them at all, but the truth is, it has…

  • Immigrant Contributions To American Success

    The United States has widely been regarded as a land of opportunity. It becomes the desired destination for many people to pursue their American dreams. There are continuously massive waves of immigration from most parts of the world to America. Since the1600s to the 21st century, the United States, which has absorbed a vast number…

  • Moving To America Or Canada: Pros And Cons

    Introduction The overall world population in present time is 7.7 billion. This population is not uniformly distributed over the geographical area of the world. For instance, China and India cover 8.1% land area from the whole world, whereas it has 2.7 billion population which is 35% of total population. So, people migrate from these countries…

  • Migrant & Refugee Crisis Issue

    It has been stated that 24 immigrants have died in ICE custody in Trumps administration, 6 of them being children. This doesnt include migrants and previous years. The issue concerning asylum seekers has been around for years, yet there seems to be little progress regarding the issue. According to the United Nations, every two seconds…

  • East African Refugee Crisis

    No one really ever knew about six-year-old Mawi Asgedom, a refugee of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, until he came to the U.S. Not many ever really seemed to care and sympathize with Mawi and other refugees while they lived in harsh refugee camps in Sudan. The government of their homeland certainly didnt care about them, as…

  • The U.S and Ethiopian Refugee

    The book of beetles and angles, is a based on a true life story of an Ethiopian refugee who ends up in the U.S. The boy and his family flew the Ethiopian civil wars and find themselves in the Sudan asylums. He embarks through a hardship journey until he finds success. A successful flee from…