Category: My Future

  • How Do You See Yourself as a Nurse in the Future Essay

    My chosen career for this assessment and my future is nursing. My plan is to work as a licensed practical nurse, or LPN for short. Not only does nursing offer a vast array of job opportunities and a decent salary, but it also gives you the ability to make a difference in someones life. The…

  • Pathway To My Future Dream

    It was a whole new world for me. Coming to Kyiv International School has turned my life around. The new educational environment was absolutely different from what Ive done for the last 17 years in Korea. My self-confidence used to be significantly lower when I was in a Korean high school, as I felt forced…

  • A Letter To Myself In The Future

    I didnt know what sadness was when I was 4 years old. I used to scrape my knees and burst into tears and now I burst into tears because I dont scrape my knees. I found a vice more torturous than wanting a physical pain. I found you. My shoulders are softer, my cheeks rounder.…

  • Letter To My Future Self

    Dear Future Self, We have graduated from college and now we are getting ready to start our life as a working adult in this world. I know there have been so many ups and downs throughout these last 4 years but we have overcome them. As we go on to the next chapter in our…

  • My Struggle From The Past Into My Future

    By the time I was 16 years old, I had no idea what I wanted to do for a living. I disliked reading and writing, but I had no problem verbally communicating with others. Never realizing how oblivious I was toward the way I would speak, read, and write when communicating in the past. I…

  • Art Of Creating My Future

    Each morning my father would express that it was a new day. To my father, this was a means to slight the conversation of how are you?. To many, this was a mundane answer. Call it what they may, but to me, it was thought-provoking. I gained comfort in the fact that each day was…

  • Educational Philosophies and Their Application to My Teaching Future

    Philosophy of education provides a framework for thinking about educational issues and also can guide our actions as a teacher. The four philosophies are perennialism, progressivism, essentialism, and social reconstructionism. The knowledge gained about the philosophy of education helped me to develop a certain framework that I can use in my classroom. It helped me…

  • My Major Philosophies as a Future Teacher

    Being a teacher is not an easy job, so you have to work sincerely and have passion to make student a good learner. I am as a future teacher I will try my best to give my students a comfortable environment with no stress or pressure, so in this report I am going to concentrate…

  • Teacher Training Personal Statement

    I enjoyed my education which led me to gain a 2:1 in my Biochemistry degree. Since gaining my degree I have wanted to transfer my skills and the knowledge I have gained to the future generation. This led me to my current role where I work for a teaching agency, Teaching Personnel. I have had…

  • Medicine Personal Statement: I Desire To Study Medicine To Benefit Others

    Being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at a young age made medicine fundamental to my wellbeing. I have been under the care of consultants who demonstrated a sympathetic attitude throughout my time under their care. My dieticians kept meticulous food diaries which imparted to me the importance of an eye for detail and displayed diligence.…