Category: Myspace

  • Suicide of Megan Meier: Role of Myspace Account

    1. Megan Meier Case: 1.1 Introduction of Case: On October 17, 2006, a 13 year old American teenager, Megan Taylor Meier, committed suicide by hanging herself from a fan in her room. Megan had always been a victim of depression and anxiety. When social networking sites were on the rise, Megan wanted to be on…

  • Power of Self-Presentation Speaks Before You Do: Analysis of Using Myspace

    The ability to interact with others concerned mankind for years. Humans were naturally created as socially dependant beings. As such, people were dependant on personal communication as a method to reinforce bonds. When personal interaction wasnt possible, individuals developed various unique solutions to the problem. One such method was the use of hand-written letters to…

  • The Main Factors Contributing to the Acceptance of Social Media Platforms

    Social media has gained attention for the past decade due to the increasing usage and the convenience of the internet and smartphones. This paper aims to study the main factors contributing to the acceptance of social media platforms by reviewing past literature on adoption models such as the Diffusion of Innovation (Rogers, 1995) and Diffusion…