Category: Neuroscience

  • The Social Neuroscience of Prejudice

    The situation where a new child gets left out of the group activities by other children represents the consequences of prejudices and stereotyping within the group setting. Overall, group activities are prompt to have more commune psychological motifs and tendencies rather than individual behavior or face-to-face communication. Hence, the evaluation of psychological theories related to…

  • Aspects of Cognitive Neuroscience

    Table of Contents Introduction Classic example Cognitive Mapping Psychology of Recognition and Knowledge Representation The Relationship between Hippocampus Brain Regions and Navigation References Introduction Cognitive levels are categorized into taxonomies based on the degree of generalization and class inclusion components or factors. The degree of generalization implies that the description of an object gets generalized…

  • Relation Between Religion and Neurology

    Introduction Religion exists in every recognized global civilization, yet not all faiths hold a similar system of doctrines. The case for the presence of God can be made using the religious experience defense. According to this theory, the most plausible justification for religious encounters is that they represent a true view or perception of a…

  • Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Function Concept

    The definition of the executive function Executive function is the theorized cognitive function in psychology that is in charge of and deal with the cognitive processes (Lux, 2007). The cognitive functions are normally being performed by the frontal and the prefrontal lobe of the brain. Moreover the executive function involves cognitive processes including working memory,…

  • Neuroscience Research and Application

    Neuroscience has been described by as any science dealing with the functions, abnormalities etc of the nervous system. It is, simply put, the scientific study of the nervous system. This therefore implies that neuroscience in itself is a very broad discipline. It encompasses various other disciplines such us behavioral psychology, neurology, physics chemistry, the…

  • Botulinum Toxin in Neurology: The Working Mechanism

    Table of Contents Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Use of Botulinum Toxin (Botox) in Neurology The Working Mechanism of Botulinum Toxin Reference List Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Even though doctors use Botulinum Toxin (Botox) as a wrinkle remover, neurologists also use it to loosen muscles and cure migraines. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is one of the most potent neurotoxins…

  • Neurology and Neurosurgery: Pseudotumor Cerebri

    Table of Contents General Description and Symptom Treatment Strategies Conclusion References Cited It was a challenge discovering the heart of the medical condition. Thus, for many years the syndrome was called by many names, such as 1) hypertensive hydrocephalus; 2) otitic hydrocephalus; 3) hypertensive meningeal hydrops, and 4) pseudoabscess (Sullivan 1991). In the beginning, physicians…

  • Neuroscience. Addictive Personality

    Some psychologists argue that all actions occur depending on processes in the brain. This human bodys organ releases certain chemicals called neurotransmitters responsible for a specific set of functions. However, the statement that human consciousness and actions are the result of neural processes is quite debatable. The data obtained from researches on brain can explain…

  • Neuroscience of Schizophrenia: The Thinking Patterns

    John Forbes Nash Jr. is one of the revolutionary minds in the field of mathematics during our times. By the time he shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1994, Nash had contributed significantly to partial differential equations, differential geometry, and game theory. I know you are wondering what does any of this…

  • Aspects of Neuroscience and Consumers

    A person comprehends the outside world through receptors that transmit signals to the brain, which form reactions, including a purchase decision. In most cases, impulses from nerve endings are processed in the head at a subconscious level. The traditional marketing strategy does not work in situations where the person himself can not explain the reason…