Category: Nurse

  • The Journey Of A Nurse Practitioner

    There are various fields available in the world today. The healthcare field is a field that plays a major role in our daily lives. Our health is part of who we are. Your overall health helps determine the efficiency of your ability to carry out daily tasks. There are various people that specialize in the…

  • Transition Of Graduate Nurse To As Being As Professional Nurse

    Introduction Transitioning is a very challenging task for a new graduate nurse from academic practice to a graduate practice. The process of this transition can be characterized as a period of adaptation into the environment and culture of clinical. A new graduate nurse can encounter various issues like a lack of clinical experience during the…

  • Becoming A Registered Nurse

    Introduction Throughout their degree and clinical placements, student nurses are given the great opportunity to witness and experience a wide range of approaches to leadership. In part A of this paper, one leadership approach will be discussed and evaluated, exploring the potential impact this leadership approach has on the practice of a newly graduated Registered…

  • Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nurses And Pharmacists

    Principles of the Care Professions Nurses work in a multi- disciplinary team, working in different settings and care for patients suffering from a variety of health conditions, ranging from minor injuries and ailments to acute and long-term illnesses and diseases. (AGCAS Editors, 2019) Comparing this to what a pharmacist entails, they also work as part…

  • Personal goals For Nursing

    Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open, a quote by Pauline Kael.…

  • The Definition Of Spirituality And The Role Of A Nurse In Delivering Spiritual Care

    This essay will be exploring what spirituality is and why it should be incorporated in holistic care, how it is different from religion, and the role of a nurse in delivering spiritual care. Narayanasamy (2004) suggests that Spirituality is defined as the essence of being and it gives meaning and purpose to our existence. Spirituality…

  • Teamwork In Nursing Examples

    Introduction This essay will discuss communication and teamwork, by choosing these two essential skills in not just health care but all aspects of life, I aim to enhance my knowledge and understanding which I hope will improve my professional competence. These two valuable skills are closely linked as effective communication, mutual support and team leadership…

  • The Life Of Becoming A Neonatal Nurse

    I have wished to be a neonatal nurse since before I could even remember. Something about their work and ambition drove me into wanting to follow that career path for my own. Becoming a neonatal nurse has been a dream of mine for a long time now. Ive done the research, Ive talked to other…

  • Personal Nursing Philosophy And Why It Is Important

    My Personal Philosophy of Nursing Nursing is a noble profession of caring for an individual, family, group or community to uplift their health status. Since I was a child the two main values I have inculcated is caring and empathy for other who is need by any means when I joined nursing in first year…

  • Nursing Philosophy Paper

    My personal philosophy stems from the life values instilled in me as a child. These values consist of integrity, trustworthiness, connection, and compassion. From childhood, my passion has always been to care and make a positive impact in the lives of others. My personal philosophy is rooted in dignity, service, and evidence based practice. It…