Category: Obesity

  • Obesity: Societys Attitude and Media Profiling

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion of the authors claims Alternative ideas Statement of research hypothesis Studying the hypothesis Finding supporting the models Research limitations References Introduction Currently, many nations across the globe experience several socio-economic and health challenges. Opocher and Steedman (2009) note that people in the US encounter challenges like increasing unemployment, rising costs…

  • Obesity From Sociological Imagination Viewpoint

    Table of Contents Introduction The Social Well-Being of Overweight People Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Obesity is a global health problem; this problem of obesity in modern times is becoming more and more urgent. I believe that the relevance and social significance of the problem of obesity is determined by the threat of disability of young…

  • Obesity in African-American Women: Methodology

    Table of Contents Introduction Sample/Setting Sampling Strategy Research Design Conclusion References Introduction The problem of obesity in African-American women aged between 40 and 65 continues growing and challenging many nurses and public health workers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), approximately 56% of black women older than 20 are obese and…

  • Obesity From Sociological Perspectives

    Table of Contents Introduction Symbolic Interactionism Conflict Theory Functionalism Conclusion References Introduction The social problem under focus is obesity originating from Latino food norms. Much of the Latin cuisine has nostalgic value to Hispanic cultures. Consumption of traditional Latino food inspires the feeling of comfort to Latino people. Yet, at the same time, much of…

  • The Best Way to Address Obesity in the United States

    Questions can be asked to fill information gaps or contradictions by the person directing them. Reasons for asking a question may vary depending on the relationship between the person asking and the person expected to answer. For example, a teacher may ask a question to extract information or assist the correspondents in connecting to an…

  • Nature vs. Nurture: Child Obesity

    Table of Contents Introduction Nature Nurture Conclusion References Introduction Child obesity is a major health issue, which is becoming more prominent and severe. It is important to note that one of the most commonly accepted ideas is based on the environment and its related factors. However, the overall impact of ones genes should not be…

  • Treat and Reduce Obesity Act and Its Potential

    Abstract The paper discusses the background, processing, and potential consequences of a Congress bill presented as H.R.1953: Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2017. The issue of the bill is to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act. The essence of the amendment is the coordination of programs aimed at the prevention and treatment…

  • The Problem of Obesity in the USA

    Table of Contents Introduction to the Problem Policy Description Legislators Involved in the Policy Development The Role of the APRN How the Policy Influences Clinical Practice How Interprofessional Teams can Use the Policy Conclusion References Introduction to the Problem Obesity is a global epidemic associated with financial burdens, and poor lifestyles. It is also a…

  • Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity in U.S. Children

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Analysis Possible Solution Benefits and Conditions for Success Conclusion References Introduction The problem of childhood obesity is viewed today as an epidemic that is typical of many developed countries. The reason for concentrating on this issue is that obesity affects 34% of children in the USA, and is considered a…

  • Obesity: Genetic, Hormonal and Environmental Influences

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Known Obesity Factors Consequences of Obesity Literature Review Methodology Results Discussions Conclusions Reference List Abstract The prevalence of obesity has gradually increased over the last few decades. The rates are almost similar in developed and developing nations. The current study investigates the relationship between obesity (a medical condition) and genetic…