Category: Oedipus

  • Oedipus the King’: Analysis of a Play

    For this essay styled essay response, Ive decided to combine two of the three questions Ill be answering into one whole response since I find my response of both questions to be one that I can combine into a singular response to fluidly move into my next essay response as Ill be discussing on the…

  • Oedipus’ Denial of Fate and Its Role in His Life

    Attending the University of Connecticut, becoming a professional athlete, marrying your high school sweetheart; what leads to all these things? From birth, do we have a predetermined life that is set by a supernatural presence which will result in the same outcome regardless of our actions or is it the actions we choose to take…

  • Analysis of Oedipus as a Tragic Hero

    Oedipus is a great king whose parents abandoned on the mountainside and choose to kill to stop evil prophecy from happening to them. His name is derived from his swollen feet where he was bound to be killed. He is the main character in the epic play Oedipus the King and was originally from Thebes…

  • Contextual And Cultural Considerations In Oedipus Rex

    There were so many things that I did not realise as I read the play. The interactive oral made me apprehend those things I could not imagine at first. During the discussion, student D. expatiated on the fact that the curse did not start on Oedipus at first but really began with what Laius did.…

  • The Struggles From A Cynical View Of Truth In Oedipus Rex

    W.E.B Dubois said, Education among all kinds of men always has had, and always will have, an element of danger and revolution, of dissatisfaction and discontent. Nevertheless, men strive to know. From this, we see the search for truth calls danger and bewilderment. The status quo dictates we accept the knowledge we are given, and…

  • Oedipus Rex: Human Condition Reversed As Soon As One Measures It Against The Gods

    Since the universe has been created, there are certain patterns of life that the whole world is following. People born, they grow upon, face certain challenges of the life and devout their live towards the will of the God. So basically, all the events of life are written and organized by the God. However the…

  • Oedipus the King’: Reasons Why Oedipus Shouldn’t Be Punished

    Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in the place you are supposed to be. Your fate is like a car crash an accident you never asked for but happens because it’s your destiny. Sophocles highlights the irony of a man…

  • The Integrity Of Oedipus: Innocent Or Guilty

    Oedipus Tyrannus is very fascinating and controversial. The stronger subjects in this nstory such as murder not only cause controversy between readers with different viewpoints, but they also open the readers minds to new ways of thinking. For years there have been debates over whether or not Oedipus should be deemed guilty or innocent for…

  • Oedipus the King’: A Critical Summary

    In the beginning, I want to introduce the background information about this play. First, the name of this filmed performance is ‘Oedipus the King’ It is written by Sophocles, the most famous playwright of ancient Greece. He is one of the three tragic writers in Athens. He not only believes in the supreme power of…

  • Oedipus Rex By Sophocles: Develop And Change Of Oedipus

    I liked the play and the themes in Oedipus. The best part of the book is to see how Oedipus develops as a character. The progression as a character from who he was at the beginning to the end shows all factors of a dramatic character that most books need and love. He shows pride,…