Category: Oxygen

  • An Experimental Analysis of The Reaction Between Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Fire

    The purpose of this experiment was to show the properties of hydrogen and oxygen gas reacting with fire. Both H2 and O2 were produced from reactions of other chemicals. H2 gas was produced from a reaction of hydrochloric acid and zinc, and oxygen was generated from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. After each gas was…

  • Oxygen Dissociation Curve and Bohr Effect Using Haemolysate

    Oxygen diffusion is essential for the survival of living animals. Differences in the surface area and relative thickness of respiratory surfaces among vertebrates have been shown to influence the rates of oxygen diffusion and the levels of aerobic activity (Gillooly et al., 2016). Different animals have developed specialized organs in which gas exchange can take…

  • The Role of Oxygen in The Work of The Respiratory and The Circulatory Systems

    The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to deliver oxygen to cells of the body (the lungs through air exchange, and the circulatory system by delivery of haemoglobin containing red cells to the capillaries where oxygen is released into the tissues) and removal of carbon dioxide.The circulatory system delivers nutrients absorbed through the walls of…

  • Air Pollution as a Danger to Humanity

    Air is the ocean we breathe, air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. However, human activities can release particles into the air, of which can cause problems such as smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and holes in the ozone layer. Each of these problems has serious problems for…

  • The Combustion Or The Burning of Fuels, as an Example of Oxidation and Reduction

    The combustion or the burning of fuels, is perhaps the most common and obvious example of oxidation and reduction. Combustion is also that process which converts the potential energy of fuels into kinetic energy (heat and light). Most fuels (gasoline, diesel oil, propane, etc.) are compounds comprised primarily of carbon and hydrogen. These hydrocarbons represent…

  • An Experimental Analysis of The Reaction Between Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Fire

    The purpose of this experiment was to show the properties of hydrogen and oxygen gas reacting with fire. Both H2 and O2 were produced from reactions of other chemicals. H2 gas was produced from a reaction of hydrochloric acid and zinc, and oxygen was generated from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. After each gas was…

  • Oxygen Dissociation Curve and Bohr Effect Using Haemolysate

    Oxygen diffusion is essential for the survival of living animals. Differences in the surface area and relative thickness of respiratory surfaces among vertebrates have been shown to influence the rates of oxygen diffusion and the levels of aerobic activity (Gillooly et al., 2016). Different animals have developed specialized organs in which gas exchange can take…

  • The Role of Oxygen in The Work of The Respiratory and The Circulatory Systems

    The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to deliver oxygen to cells of the body (the lungs through air exchange, and the circulatory system by delivery of haemoglobin containing red cells to the capillaries where oxygen is released into the tissues) and removal of carbon dioxide.The circulatory system delivers nutrients absorbed through the walls of…

  • Air Pollution as a Danger to Humanity

    Air is the ocean we breathe, air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. However, human activities can release particles into the air, of which can cause problems such as smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and holes in the ozone layer. Each of these problems has serious problems for…

  • The Combustion Or The Burning of Fuels, as an Example of Oxidation and Reduction

    The combustion or the burning of fuels, is perhaps the most common and obvious example of oxidation and reduction. Combustion is also that process which converts the potential energy of fuels into kinetic energy (heat and light). Most fuels (gasoline, diesel oil, propane, etc.) are compounds comprised primarily of carbon and hydrogen. These hydrocarbons represent…