Category: Pedagogy

  • Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics

    Pedagogical content knowledge has become increasingly important for science teacher education. The delivery of rich educational content to learners in the modern classroom environment demands a profound understanding of the subject matter in question. The history of educations shows that teacher-training courses have been focusing on the teachers content knowledge. However, recent developments in teacher…

  • Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Self-Efficacy

    Classroom teaching is a very complex, challenging, demanding, frightening, and nuanced activity (Shulman, 2004). Notably, teachers receive and teacher education in learning institutions in a specific field, general knowledge, and pedagogical formation (Abell, 2008). As such, pedagogical content knowledge is based on both pedagogical and content knowledge. It incorporates pedagogical knowledge, teaching processes, content knowledge,…

  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

    Introduction The Pedagogy of the Oppressed presents concepts that guide the oppressed away from oppression. This essay presents the main concepts outlined in Freires book. It explains the teacher student relationship championed by Freire. In addition, it expands on the main principles of freedom, unity, and cooperation that guide the ideal relationship. To begin with,…