Category: Pepsi

  • Leonard v. PepsiCo Inc. Case and Invalid Contract

    Leonard v. PepsiCo, Inc. is a famous example of an invalid contract. In 1995, John Leonard under the influence of a Pepsi commercial tried to enforce an alleged offer to obtain a Harrier jet for 7 million companys points (Contract Law, n.d.; Lexisondemand, 2009). The court ruled in Pepsis favor and decided that no objective…

  • Pepsi Company: Investment Case

    Introduction PepsiCo is a corporation that includes a number of brands selling processed foods and beverages. The most famous products of the company include Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Cheetos, Doritos, and Lays. Other recognizable names are Tropicana, 7 Up, Lipton tea, and Mirinda (The Street 2017). The current state of the corporation shows that is has…

  • PepsiCos Growth Strategy Analysis

    Table of Contents Background PepsiCo Strategy before Roger Enrico PepsiCos new corporate strategy under Enrico Implications of PepsiCo New World View References Background PepsiCo was founded in 1898 with the sole purpose of manufacturing and distributing beverages, diversifying over the years into other sectors such as restaurants. In the period under review, the company underwent…

  • The PepsiCo Firms Strategic Planning

    Introduction In this contemporary environment, a strategic plan plays an integral role in the effective performance of an organization. It uses the current situation in the business environment to define the future (Jayawarna & Dissanayake, 2019). PepsiCo is among organizations that need strategic planning to increase its productivity in the market (Sehrawat, 2019). The SWOT…

  • Strategic Analysis of Pepsico

    Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Five Forces Analysis Pest Analysis SWOT Analysis Recommendations Conclusion References Executive Summary The present paper provides a situational analysis of Pepsico, Inc., the second-largest food and beverage company in the world. As of late, Pepsico has been going through some difficulties due to political, economic, and social volatility and…

  • PepsiCo Inc. and Its Competitors Reports

    Table of Contents Consolidated Statement of Income Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Consolidated Statement of Equity Consolidated Balance Sheet References PepsiCo Inc. is a multinational food and beverage corporation. It is to have multiple brands in various parts of the world. Its numerous brands market and distribute products in over 200 countries and territories. Frito-Lay…

  • External Factors Affecting Pepsi in the Middle East

    Introduction Pepsi is among the top food and beverage companies in the world. With its headquarters in New York, the company is heavily involved in the manufacturing and selling of different brands of beverages and foods. While expansion into foreign markets has presented the company with a wider customer base, it comes along with a…

  • Pepsi Co.s Sustainability in Business

    Executive Summary The notion of sustainability has been discussed extensively in the context of global business recently, mostly due to the increase in the importance of environmentalism. An array of organizations have transitioned to the sustainable use of resources, shaping their manufacturing, supply chains, and the overall approach to performance management. PepsiCo is one of…

  • Pepsi Cos Diversification Strategy in 2008

    Introduction Strategic management is considered to be one of the basic elements that allow a business company to achieve success in its operations in both domestic and international markets (Thompson, 2001, p. 24; Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2009, p. 37). However, even such giants of the global business as Pepsi Co. sometimes face diversification strategy issues…

  • The PepsiCo Firms Strategic Objectives

    Table of Contents Measurable Objectives Organizational Structure Product position Map Projected Income and Loss PepsiCos Market Value References Measurable Objectives PepsiCo is an international beverage and food manufacturer with an annual $1 billion worth of product portfolio. The company has robust objectives that it intends to accomplish both in the short and long terms. In…