Category: Personality

  • The Significance Of Personality Self-awareness

    Everyone was born with different personalities that make each one of us different. Some might be more talkative, while the other remains shy and quiet; then there are people who like to use their heart over their head, and many more. Self-awareness is important to know the self worth and then introspect. The purpose of…

  • Brand Myself On LinkedIn

    On the journey of pursuing my career, I tend to think what would be the best way to brand myself on LinkedIn. My goal is to let professionals find me and land a job with related field that I am in. Moreover, I want to make people know who am I, what do I do,…

  • The Self And The One’s Soul

    Abstract The following paper attempts to understand of how  the self  is at the peak of disorientation and personal crises, identification of the psychological calamity and how the self is able to co-relate that with the advancement of different soul ages. The purpose of this study is to understand the essence of a…

  • The Correlation Of Personality And Self-esteem

    There is a wide range of studies on personality and self-esteem with the use of the Big Five traits in many aspects of psychology. The big five factor-model was developed by McCrae and Costa (1999) which consists of personality traits on Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness to develop the understanding of differences in individuals…

  • Findings In Academic Procrastination VS Personalities

    Procrastination exists almost as long as humanity exists, which makes me wonder which characteristics in human that contribute to this long-lasting incurable ‘disease’. Based on my self-exploration and conversation with friends, I assumed there were two categories of reasons behind this symptom: personalities and tasks. Like the clear distinctions between the personalities of morning birds…

  • The Effects Of Self Esteem On Personality

    Trust in one’s value as a human being is a valuable psychological tool and a highly positive factor in life in general; it is associated with success, good relationships also satisfaction. Possessing little self-esteem can result in people being discouraged, falling short of their potential, or tolerating abusive relationships and circumstances. On the other hand,…

  • Personality Profile Essay

    The personality profile of a design thinker can be compared with the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur on the following basis; The successful entrepreneur and a personality profile of a design thinker have the major contribution of empathy which lead them to successful entrepreneur (Brenner, Uebernickel and Abrell, 2016). Entrepreneurs who focus on empathy tend…

  • Describe Your Personality Essay

    Introduction. All people are different: they behave, react, feel and think differently. According to Lewins (1951) model of people’s behavior, where P and E are personality and environment, and B is behavior; people are affected by both internal and environmental factors and their behavior is a result of continual interaction between these factors. Factors influencing…

  • Personality Profile Essay

    The personality profile of a design thinker can be compared with the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur on the following basis; The successful entrepreneur and a personality profile of a design thinker have the major contribution of empathy which lead them to successful entrepreneur (Brenner, Uebernickel and Abrell, 2016). Entrepreneurs who focus on empathy tend…

  • Describe Your Personality Essay

    Introduction. All people are different: they behave, react, feel and think differently. According to Lewins (1951) model of people’s behavior, where P and E are personality and environment, and B is behavior; people are affected by both internal and environmental factors and their behavior is a result of continual interaction between these factors. Factors influencing…