Category: Perspective

  • The Reasons why Smoking should Be Raised to 21

    Should smoking be raised to the age of 21? I believe so, did you know that 95 per cent of all adults start smoking before they turn 21? What I want to share with you is why I believe the age should be raised to 21. First, Im going to present, Increasing the tobacco age…

  • Essay about Smoking

    Introduction Smoking is a really bad habit that engulfs millions of people each year and is killing many lives despite attempts by the government and individuals trying to stop it. Smoking is the cause of many cancers and causes permanent damage to the human body. So why dont we change the legal age to have…

  • Persuasive Essay about Sports and Why It’s Important

    Exercise is essential to human life. It keeps people healthy, slim, and strong. It is very important at every stage of life. It can also improve people’s personality. When we perform a certain exercise on a regular basis, exercise will keep all our organs alert and the heart will become stronger. Sports are as old…

  • Cause and Effect Essay on Smoking

    Introduction Tobacco appeared in our society several centuries ago. For a long time, nobody considered smoking as the thing that literally kills the person, it was more of a prestige to smoke. But with time people figured that smoking causes addiction and health problems, and just recently the antipropaganda of smoking has started. The most…

  • Persuasive Essay about Smoking

    Introduction Smoking is a common lifestyle and cultural practice since its sharp rise to fame in the 1890s as the tobacco industry was sprung to life by James B. Duke due to the formation of his tobacco company (American Tobacco Company) in 1890 (Sebelius and Koh 2014). This is a staple of cigarette manufacture and…

  • Who Was Blamed for World War 1: Critical Essay

    Germany’s desire for Austria-Hungary to enter the war was motivated by their aim to become a superpower since they believed it would be able to cripple Russia and France in a short war. They were eager to wipe out Russia before it had time to mobilize and then wanted to focus on France with Russia…

  • How does Smoking Contribute to the Risk of Getting (and Worsening) a Chronic Respiratory Disease?

    Introduction Chronic respiratory diseases and risks factors Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) is a term used to describe diseases of the airway and other lung structures, some examples of CRDs are: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema and the most common one being Asthma [3]. There are many risk factors which can contribute to…

  • Should the U.S. Have Entered WW 1: Essay

    Introduction World War I was a defining moment in history, with far-reaching consequences that shaped the course of the 20th century. The decision of whether the United States should have entered the war has been a subject of debate among historians and scholars. This essay will argue that the U.S. made the right decision in…

  • Is Addiction a Disease or a Choice: Persuasive Essay

    When people hear the word ‘addiction’, most peoples first thoughts go straight to drugs or alcohol, but addiction is so much more than drugs. Some people have that one thing they cannot go without. It might be a cell phone, a cigarette, caffeine, drugs, or shopping. No matter what, most people have a vice. Addiction…

  • Why Smoking Should Be Banned: Essay

    Should smoking be banned? Do you want to land in a hospital? Smoking can bring many problems to you. Some are even permanent problems, such as being fed from a feeding tube. Smoking has so many negative effects on you and the people around you. It can cause secondhand smoke-related illness and health risks to…