Category: Pharmacy

  • Acupuncture vs. Standard Pharmacological Therapy for Migraine Prevention

    Introduction Systematic Review: Acupuncture vs. Standard Pharmacological Therapy for Migraine Prevention is a study conducted by Zhang et al. (2019). The research reviews used at least seven articles for screening and concluding. The results showed that acupuncture is more effective than standard pharmacological treatment in migraine prevention. I chose this article because it is not…

  • Metformin in Pharmaceuticals and Medicine

    Metformin or Glucophage is an oral hypoglycemic drug from the group of biguanides (dimethyl biguanide). Metformins capacity to inhibit gluconeogenesis, the production of free fatty acids and fat oxidation is linked to its mode of action. The medication improves the sensitivity of peripheral insulin receptors and cellular glucose uptake. There is no impact of Metformin…

  • Unpatented Pharmaceuticals for American Public

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact on the Health Care Industry Impact on Society Impact on Policy Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The pharmaceutical industry is greatly influenced by the registration of intellectual property rights for a product that has been manufactured. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a patent for a drug after receiving a…

  • Acupuncture vs. Medication: A Comparative Study for Migraine Prevention

    The study was undertaken to compare the efficiency of managing migraines employing acupuncture and pharmacotherapy clinical processes. In the study, the researchers wanted to explore the shortcomings of the standard pharmacological therapy and understand why acupuncture was widely used (Zhang et al., 2019). The hypothesis for the study was that treating migraine using acupuncture is…

  • The Profound Knowledge of Pharmacology

    The successful absorption of the drug depends on various aspects. One of them is the gastric and intestinal motility of the patients. An increase or decrease in the acidity of the contents of the stomach and intestines can lead to a change in the ionization of drug molecules and their solubility in fats and, consequently,…

  • Pharmaceutical Science: Vicodin

    Introduction According to Herper, it is interesting to note that the most popular prescription drug in the USA was prescribed 128 million times in 2010 (Herper 2010). This point is especially surprising given that a number of experts and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) called for its banning. The drug popularly known as Vicodin…

  • Why Pharmaceutical Industry Is High-Tech and Knowledge-Intensive

    It seems reasonable to advocate for the pharmaceutical industry due to the following. Pharmaceuticals is one of the most high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the global economy, which is determined by three groups of interrelated factors. First, it is the rapid development of human sciences and a number of important discoveries (Kruglyak). Among them is…

  • Advanced Pharmacology: Arthritis Treatment

    Arthritis is a medical condition that affects the joints, causing inflammation and, to some extent, tenderness. In the U.S., close to 54.4 million individuals have been diagnosed with at least one form of arthritis, of which approximately 23.7 million persons have low work productivity as a result of the condition (Center for Disease Control and…

  • Flagyl ER: Pharmacological Characteristics

    Table of Contents Introduction Class and DEA Flagyl ER Description and Brand Names How Supplied and Dosages Dosing Considerations Conclusion References Introduction Flagyl ER is one of the common medications that help prevent the symptoms of bacterial and parasite infections. It is a brand of metronidazole that has been widely successful in treating infections in…

  • Using Testing as a Learning Tool: Pharmaceutical Education

    The presentation about medication errors was introduced to new nurses and nursing students at the progressive care unit of the local hospital in Dallas. The information was delivered several days ago with several purposes  to share the main facts about the chosen topic, promote a discussion, and check the level of knowledge. Most nurses…