Category: Philosophy 1203

  • John Lockes Tabula Rasa vs. Innatism

    Today, people face multiple situations when their rights and freedoms are compromised by existing societal norms and regulations. In philosophy and social sciences, many theories explain human interactions and classify behaviors as per different criteria. One of the most common debates is developed between John Lockes tabula rasa theory and innatism, introduced by Descartes and…

  • Rousseaus Theory About a Lawgiver and a Civil Religion

    For centuries, many great minds and talented thinkers outlined their ideas about citizens, governments, the development of the world, and the way it should be arranged. For instance, Genevan writer and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau had his views on the system of states. In his 1762 book The Social Contract, the thinker disputes the God-given right…

  • Utilitarian and Retributivist Theories of Punishment

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Fair punishment has long been a subject of dispute among philosophers, politicians, and the general public. However, there is still no consensus on which type of penal system is the most appropriate in terms of effectiveness and ethics. These discussions gave rise to two major…

  • Truth Perception and Ourselves

    Table of Contents Philosophy  Historical Overview Truth & Reality Paradigms of Perception  Outer & Inner Worlds Reasons Why We Avoid Truth Fear and How it Hinders Personal Perception and Decision Making Personal Comprehension Summary and Conclusion In everyday life, people can be observed visualizing things as individuals rather than as things are. When…

  • Political Philosophy of Rousseau

    Your post shows that Rousseau considered fallibility in the General Will came due to his philosophy since people within the commonwealth always have their self-interests within their minds. To contribute to what you build on General Will, sometimes the will contributes to the political agency by which humanity is influenced. Further, Rousseau can also be…

  • Philosophical Theories on Moral Duty

    Table of Contents Introduction The Social Contract Theory The Role of Consent Ethical Pluralism Rosss View Conclusion References Introduction There are a few different reasons why philosophers might think that there is a formula for determining moral duty. One reason is based on social contract theory, which holds that humans have a duty to obey…

  • Humes Bundle Theory of the Self

    Table of Contents Introduction Humes argument on human identity Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Philosophers of all times have been concerned with the issue of human identity, approaching it from many angles. One of such scholars was David Hume, who included a chapter On Personal Identity into his extensive work on human nature. Interestingly, Hume has…

  • Law Obedience and Moral Principles

    Table of Contents Introduction Philosophy of Governmental Regulations and Moral Principles Conclusion References Introduction Philosophy has always played a significant role in humans lives, and the greatest philosophers create laws that are different from governmental regulation but close individuals beliefs. The Crito is one of the famous ancient dialogues where the main character Socrates states…

  • Truth Happens to an Idea: Pragmatism

    William James appears to be a prominent figure in the field of philosophy. He lived in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States, and his professional activity regarded philosophy, history, and psychology. William James has become famous for his theory of free will…

  • Aspects of the Philosophy of Nature

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction The philosophy of nature is the hypothetical field that examines the natural environment or the actual universe in its broadest sense. This existence of distinction and focus on the origins dilemma has profoundly impacted present conceptions of creation. Nature is an inherent and essential component of humanity.…