Category: Photography

  • Antikythera Mechanism: Photography and Radiography

    Introduction During the year 1900, in one Greek isle of Antikythera, sponge divers stumbled upon statuettes on an ancient shipwreck (Cowen 10). Their mission unearthed the many artifacts from the ruin. The shipwreck has been dated by numerous autonomous investigations to the early eras of the 1st century BC. The two researchers had been hired…

  • The Brook Ship Photograph Analysis

    Table of Contents Diagram Creation, Target Audience and Message The Historical Aspect and Prejudice Personal and Social Responsibility Reference In 1781 the English Brook was launched for the first time. It was used to transport enslaved Africans, and conditions were harsh. The first diagram of the ship did not appear until a few years later…

  • Public Relations and Photography

    Contemporary public relations specialists are opposed to more problems and encounter material rapidity, and globalization modifies the stride and scenery of the occupation. The contemporary industry, categorized by globalization, entails administrations to comprehend the intercultural and intercontinental features of public relations during the operation in a worldwide marketplace. The internationalization of public relations is not…

  • Henri Cartier-Bresson: Seville Photograph

    Table of Contents Biography The Photograph Connection with Cartier-Bresson Work Patron (Who Commissioned It) The Original Intent or Purpose of the Image Subject Technology and Materiality Caption/Titles Formal Analysis Analysis and Meaning Bibliography Biography Henri Cartier-Bresson was born in 1908 in France and died in 2004. Marthe, who was his mother, substantially motivated him to…

  • The Role of Photography and Views on War

    War has always been an integral part of human society. Since the emergence of civilized societies, it has been one of the major tools of foreign policy, and multiple nations fought to protect their lands, interests, or acquire better living conditions. The importance of this phenomenon and its significant impact on peoples lives preconditioned the…

  • Pepper No. 30 Photograph by Edward Weston

    The work in question is entitled Pepper No. 30, created in 1930 (Pepper No. 30 n.p.). The artists name is Edward Weston. This black and white photograph depicts a close-up of a bell pepper on the concave surface against a dark background (Pepper No. 30 n.p.). The dimensions are 24.4 x 19.3cm, and the medium…

  • Art Reflection Paper: Drawing vs. Photograph

    For every individual, inspiration arises from different things; however, what is common to everybody is that it gives an artist an idea and enthusiasm and triggers the process of creation. It is difficult to predict where inspiration may lead the creator: it can result in the immediate image of the final product of art or…

  • Pornography vs. Artistic Nude Photographs

    Table of Contents Introduction Similarities Differences Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The practice of depicting human nakedness has been evolving for the last few centuries, with marked changes being witnessed. There was a general distaste for viewing images of naked people in the past, but the new wave of liberalization has changed this aspect. People are…

  • Annie Lebovitz  Famous Photographer

    Annie Leibovitz is one of the best portrait photographers in todays era. She focuses her works on a variety of subjects but mostly among celebrity portraits. The range of her photographs creates scenes that touch the soul. The substances of her photographs, along with her unique mental picture, have the ability to make bold statements…

  • Attitude to Photography. Art and Design

    In art and design, the artists primary aim is to make the audience interested and educated. Notably, actualizing this requires an individual to embrace critical thinking and present a variety of attractive photographs. Moreover, design, talent, and educational skills are prudent to enhance knowledge about what most viewers prefer to see. As a result, artists…