Category: Plato

  • Plato: His Inspirations and Theories

    Table of Contents Introduction Platos early life Platos Inspirations Platos theories Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Plato is considered one of the greatest philosophical thinkers of western society and was born around 429-427 BC to Ariston and Perictione of aristocratic ancestry. As a result he obtained the best education a noble family would offer. As a…

  • Philosophy: Platos View on the Self

    Table of Contents Section II Section III Section IV Section V Platos view on the self is correct because it provides a clear and comprehensive explanation of the basic components of personality. Section II Plato presents a very interesting and logical explanation of personality in his discussion of the Divided Self. The philosopher, in his…

  • Plato and Absolutism in The Allegory of the Cave

    The nature and accuracy of knowledge that people get using their perceptive apparatus are among the most discussed questions in philosophy. In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato provides his perspective on the issue by using a dark cave and prisoners in chains as the symbols of limitations related to human perception (1). The things…

  • Platos and Machiavellis Political Views Analysis

    Introduction The Republic of Plato and The Prince by Machiavelli is among the greatest works in Political theory in studying political ideals such as democracy, power, justice, and understating political practices and institutions. Politics form the basis of our day-to-day life, where politicians chase their view of self-worth and urge to show their leadership skills.…

  • Socrates and Plato: Ideas of the Great Philosophers

    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Summary References Introduction The ideas of the ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Plato are often looked to for wisdom and an idea of the right path one should take. These individuals provided a great deal of information regarding the proper functioning of a society, including what it would…

  • Plato and Rousseau: Educational Philosophies Comparison

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis of Platos Philosophy Analysis of Rousseaus Philosophy Comparison Conclusion References Introduction The main philosophies in education belong to two famous thinkers, Rousseau and Plato. They created and implemented their dogmas of world perception in different eras, but they were interested in the same challenge  training an individual so that…

  • Philosophy: Platos Theory of Forms

    Table of Contents Introduction Theory of Forms Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Plato was a notable philosopher of ancient Greece that has changed the perspectives the worlds population has significantly. In this paper, attention is paid to the essence of Platos ideas about forms as something mathematically and morally equal to rationally explain the worth of…

  • Platos Allegory of the Cave: Essay

    Not sure how to cite Platos Allegory of the Cave? You are in the right place! All you have to do is to look at our Allegory of the Cave citation examples and use the same format in your essay. Interested? Keep reading! Table of Contents Introduction: Platos Allegory of the Cave The Allegory of…

  • The Laws by Plato

    The Laws is Platos famous political dialogue. He casts light upon main political concepts such as law, state, power, peace, and others that are relevant in political philosophy in this dialogue. Plato looking for the means of creating the structure of ideal government describes one of the most important means of a healthy and well-structured…

  • The Last Days of Socrates by Plato

    The Last Days of Socrates is one of the most underestimated works written by the world-known ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Modern scholars frequently address the other parts of Platos dialogues; however, The Last Days of Socrates is central to the philosophical tradition of Plato. After all, Socrates was the mentor and a major figure in…