Category: Plato

  • Platos Apology: Analysis and Evaluation

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Conclusion Reference Introduction Representing a peculiar interpretation of the trial that Socrates faced after being accused of multiple wrongdoings, including the corruption of young minds, Platos Apology can be considered one of the most accurate accounts of the described events. In his work, particularly, in the passages that…

  • Argumentation in Platos Apology of Socrates

    Socratess arguments against the accusations of the prosecutor Meletus are represented in two ways. One way included an explanation of the purpose and method of Socrates. He believes that it could give a jury explanation of why certain people do not like him. Socratess second argument is based on response to two accusations against him,…

  • What Is Philosophy Based on Platos Views?

    It is important to note that philosophy is a framework under which even ordinary knowledge and information are questioned through criticism based on a strictly determined set of principles and rules. In other words, philosophy address the fundamental aspects of the universe and existence itself with no room for inarticulate assumptions. Therefore, philosophy is a…

  • Platos Approach to Economic Matters in Symposium

    While Symposium is not the most famous of Platos works, like Republic or Allegory of the Cave, it still occupies a prominent place within the philosophers legacy. Although mainly concerned with questions of love and virtue, Symposium, true to the multifaceted nature of its authors thought, covers a broad range of related issues as well.…

  • Reviews Platos Allegory of the Cave and Theory of Forms

    Plato experienced a variety of influences from previous philosophical movements. The pre-Socratic influential thinkers include Protagoras, whose relativist thought inspired Platos dialogues despite contradictions between the two thinkers approaches. As for the Sophists, some contempt for them could have encouraged Plato to achieve excellence in reasoning. The impact of Socrates was the most obvious, resulting…

  • Phaedrus by Plato and Experience of Reality by Pessoa

    In order to depict a parallel between Platos Phaedrus sections 247 b-c and Pessoas experience of reality, it would be rational to provide the background of Platos ideas in these sections. Plato tends to explain the nature of souls by appealing to an understandable  but not complicated and ambiguous  similarity. The souls of…

  • Socrates Ideas and Platos Representation in Allegory of the Cave

    Table of Contents Introduction Socrates: The Philosopher of Ancient Greece The Speaker for the Allegory of the Cave Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Early philosophical discussions presented by the scholars of Ancient Greece are still essential for the scientific community of the current age. The knowledge and beliefs manifested in the writings of well-recognized philosophers of…

  • Phaedo and The Republic Dialogues by Plato

    Table of Contents Introduction The Concept of Soul Platos Reasons for Soul Immortality The Allegory of Cave Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Plato was one of the outstanding Ancient Greek philosophers. Most of his teachings were based on his conception of the ideas, which explained human nature, life, soul, relationships, and the state. Plato expressed his…

  • An Analysis of Smiths Lecture About Platos Republic

    One unique characteristic of the Republic is that it is a literary work written as a dialog. Despite this work of Plato being the most influential one in the field of political thought, and as Smith notes, all the works written after the Republic can be viewed as an answer to it, it is not…

  • The Nature of Piety in Platos Euthyphro

    In Platos Euthyphro, Socrates asks whether something is pious because the gods love it or whether the gods love it because it is pious. The term pious can be translated to mean religious correctness or holiness. It means narrowly the act of doing and knowing what is right in religious settings. It can be taken…