Category: Police

  • Police Brutality and Impunity for Police Violence

    Abstract The overall purpose of this paper is to explore the topic of police brutality and police impunity as it is discussed in modern studies. The author of the paper reviews and summarizes ten articles that cover different aspects of the topic, ranging from the demographic characteristics of police brutality survivors/victims to the contributions of…

  • Racist Actions of the American Police Force in The Black and the Blue by Matthew Horace

    In the history of American legal proceedings, there are many cases where the police force has been used against minorities. Unfortunately, this keeps occurring to this day, although in many respects, it contradicts the legislation of the state. Many shreds of evidence are supporting this claim; in particular, they can be found in the literature.…

  • How to Fix Americas Police by Stoughton

    The problem for discussion is established in a rectilinear way. In the first paragraph, Stoughton et al. indicate that brutal encounters between the police and the people they are supposed to serve continue for a long time and people of every race and class (par. 1). This way, it becomes apparent that the papers core…

  • Ending Racial Bias and Bureaucracy Within Police

    The problem of racial bias within the police department has been an issue of concern both for the general public and policymakers. One of the recent and notorious deaths of an African American citizen George Floyd that was perpetrated by officer Derek Chauvin has reinvigorated public debates regarding racism and brutality within the police. Black…

  • Sociological Positivism Theory in Police Practice

    Introduction Social positivism is a theory that comprehensively researches the social world and its influence on an individuals behavior. Positivists depend on the empirical nature of data, believing that what is observed is the truth. They employ specifically data quantification because it considers facts, not peoples subjective interpretations. Positivism is the development and experimental verification…

  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the national police force of Canada. They are responsible for policing in provinces, local communities, municipalities, and international airports. Contrary to the theoretical implications of the name of the force, they ride horses only during ceremonies (Reichel, 2018). They control law and order throughout the country and are referred…

  • The Police in the Modern World

    The police in the modern world is a body endowed with certain powers and responsibilities. Its mission is to enforce the law, prevent crime, and ensure public safety with community support (United States Police, 2022). Such goals always accompany the actions of the police in advertising statements and official events. Police officers often find themselves…

  • Motivating Police Officers to Serve and Protect

    Table of Contents Summary The Problem The Solution The Evidence Assessment References Summary The current proposal focuses on the idea that Heritage PD could significantly benefit from the use of motivating factors when approaching police officer productivity and the quality of interactions with the public. Based on the research from the Metropolitan Police, it was…

  • The Rise of Police Brutality against African-American Males

    Introduction The problem of police brutality against minorities is actively discussed in the modern American society because of the publics attention to each case when police officers demonstrate the excessive use of force. In most cases, those situations in which victims of police brutality are African-American males attract more publics attention, and this fact requires…

  • The Use of Force in Police: Theoretical Analysis

    The use of power by the police is one of the burning topics in many countries. Police work is associated with additional issues like human rights, racial or ethnic inequality, immigration, and justice. People expect the police to protect their lives and freedoms. However, sometimes, the use of power by law enforcement officers provokes multiple…