Category: Poverty in America

  • The Main Factors Of Poverty In America

    Rising childcare cost, shortfall of federal housing assistance, and stagnant or falling incomes among the poor communities are some challenges we face in developing effective programs, services, and responsive social policies. As a result of these trends, most poor renting families now devote over half of their income to housing costs, and eviction has become…

  • The History And Changes To Support People In Poverty In America

    Supporting People in Poverty Andrew Carnegie (2019) said, The best means of benefitting the community is to place within its reach the ladders upon which the aspiring can rise& On any particular day in America, over 600,000 individuals are homeless (Gaines, 2019). Despite the common vision to aid in economic and social equality, there is…

  • The Crucial Factors Of Poverty In California

    In California, there are many citizens and immigrants who are struggling to earn enough income to support themselves and, if applicable, ones family. The cost of living in California is so high that many families in the Bay Area, in particular, are having a hard time paying off their bills. Even though the minimum wage…

  • Poverty Statistics in America Essay

    How does one become homeless? Homelessness is a global problem that affects many. As statistics show there is a huge population that are homeless and those individuals are exposed to a lot of negative environmental factors. It takes a toll on an individuals well-being. Homelessness could happen to anyone. Homeless are unstable in housing and…

  • Poverty Statistics in America Essay

    How does one become homeless? Homelessness is a global problem that affects many. As statistics show there is a huge population that are homeless and those individuals are exposed to a lot of negative environmental factors. It takes a toll on an individuals well-being. Homelessness could happen to anyone. Homeless are unstable in housing and…