Category: Product Development

  • CMMI and Product Development Processes

    Introduction There is a need to properly address customers wishes while developing software. The customers needs are constantly evolving; hence it is common practice to address these needs first. However, this could potentially lead to disastrous consequences as security measures are placed as the second priority. Therefore, leading IT companies that specialize in software development…

  • Product Development Categories in the Real World

    The development or improvement of any product starts with an idea and estimation of how this product will be able to benefit consumers and satisfy their needs. Traditionally, new ideas are introduced by small businesses and entrepreneurs  they aim to take their niche in the market focusing on growth and profitability (10.2 Where do…

  • Major Stages of New Product Development

    The process of new product development has eight major stages and starts from idea generation. It involves a systematic search for ideas about new products, which is carried out mainly on the basis of internal sources of the organization. Then comes the idea screening: an analysis of all the ideas put forward about a new…

  • Grid Technology Based Inventory & Product Development System

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Background Review Personal Recommendation Conclusion References Abstract A proper Product Development System is key to higher profit and better resource management. The system is basically an active control program through which all the three aspects of business i.e., sales, purchases and business. Introduction of IT enabled grid technology would bring…

  • Zeng Companys New Product Development

    Introduction The following is a new product development strategy and analysis that was designed by Zeng Research and Development Company. The company is developing hospitality management software for the hotels to enable easy execution of their services. The software name is the Easy Tour designed to improve tourists experience in the hospitality facilities. The Easy…

  • Main Aspects of New Product Development

    Table of Contents Classification of the New Product Consumers and Stakeholders Business Model Canvas Minimum Viable Product Solar-Powered Electric Toothbrush Conclusion Works Cited At a new workplace, it is important to prove people ones professionalism. The new product development process requires its managers to be competent in different areas. The managers have to be able…

  • New Product Development Process and Its Stages

    The new product development (NPD) process is critical to the emergence of new companies and the growth of existing organizations. To rationalize this process and derive the highest possible benefit from it, businesses structure it into several discrete stages, such as idea generation, market analysis, product development, commercialization, and market outcomes (Golder & Mitra, 2018).…

  • Licious Whiskers: Product Development Proposal

    Licious Whiskers  is a new alcoholic beverage product that will find a wide audience of connoisseurs of refined tastes among residents of Tennessee. Production will be established in Sevierville, TN, the area known as the heart of apple gardens. There are over a dozen apple gardens in the area, growing all sorts of apples…

  • Philosophy in the Product Development Process

    The analysis of the world philosophical approach props up against the rationale and grounding of a definite idea. In this respect the fundamentals of philosophy and its implementation in the world of business affairs are viable. The situation of today constitutes that there are more points on making achievements in participation with different structural parts…

  • Unilever Companys Business Environment & Product Development

    External Environment and the Organization Unilever is one of the largest companies in the world and produces dozens of different products under numerous brands. As a result, this creates the necessity for developing a leadership strategy that enables the company to simultaneously control such brands over numerous international markets (The changing face of Unilever: Out…