Category: Profanity

  • Critical Analysis of the Use of Profanity

    Introduction 1.1 Background of the Research Problem The use of profanity is not an uncommon phenomenon. This term is also known as swearing, obscenity, foul language, taboo words, and the like. In this research, all of those terms would be included as profanity. Many people from various ages, educational backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, or social statuses…

  • Usage of Profanity by Malaysian Teenagers: Analytical Essay

    Research Methodology 3.0 Introduction This chapter described the procedures and methodology utilized in the course of this research. The research design, participants, sampling method, data collection methods, research instruments, and data analysis procedures are also explained in this chapter. 3.1 Research design 3.1.1 Pilot Study In order to determine the possibility of conducting this research,…

  • Detection of Inappropriate Anonymous Comments Using NLP and Sentiment Analysis: Analysis of Profanity

    Abstract The world became interactive and socially active nowadays because of the increase in different types of content-sharing applications. These content-sharing applications are social media platforms that provide various features so that users can effectively interact and share their thoughts and ideology. One such platform is a discussion forum that promises the anonymous posting of…