Category: Pythagoras

  • Pythagoras’ Contributions To The Numerology

    Pythagoras made a lot of mathematical and mystical contribution to the modern numerology. But after his death, peoples interest in mathematical mysticism and all his teachings on numbers waned. Most of his teachings were now restricted to secret use. Sometime after his death however, a group of neo-Pythagoreans emerged and brought up his teachings again.…

  • Archimedes, Euclid And Pythagoras As Ancient Greek Mathematicians

    Ancient Greek Mathematicians Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent, (Sacred Mathematics). This quotation by Plato, an Ancient Greek philosopher, demonstrates the importance of geometry to the foundations of the universe. Geometry encompasses every aspect of life including architecture, physics, and biology. Teachers around the globe instruct the basics of geometry to teen-aged students every…

  • Mathematical Pythagoras Theorem And Its Use

    Pythagoras theorem also known as Pythagorean theorem is a quite interesting concept, every Maths student would be familiar with the word, even non-maths students also would have gone through it in their school time. This theorem gives the fundamental aspect in Euclidean Geometry connecting the three sides of a triangle provided the triangle must be…

  • Greek Leaders in Thought, Science, and Math: Pythagoras

    All men by nature desire to knowAristotle. That quote sums up how the Greeks looked at thought and learning. They constantly were searching for more knowledge and new ways of discovering it. The Greeks were pioneers in many of the things they did. The Greeks were one of the most influential leaders in math, science,…

  • Overtones and the Music of the Spheres: Legacy of Pythagoras

    Introduction Pythagoras was wrong. The planets in our solar system do not revolve around Earth, nor are they carried in their orbits by crystal spheres. However, his theory of music of the spheres holds truths that continue to be uncovered with modern scientific advances. This paper explores the inextricable links between music, science, and faith…