Category: Safety

  • The Motor Vehicle Safety Analysis

    With the number of individuals driving in the United States having increased by a massive six fold since 1925, it is not a wonder then that the number of motor vehicle accidents have also drastically increased, to now stand at 215 million vehicles. This represents an 11-fold increase for a similar period too (National Safety…

  • Safety Responsibility: Samsung Case

    Table of Contents Introduction Moral Responsibility Samsungs Obligations Samsungs Safety Policies Key Responsible Parties for the Battery Failure Conclusion References Introduction Samsungs market failure caused by the recall of a huge batch of Galaxy Note 7 mobile phones has become one of the most resonant events in the technological environment for the entire existence of…

  • Port Safety and How to Improve It

    Owing to increasing reports from pilots concerning the impeding of commercial vessels to and from the docks by recreational craft participating in races organised by the local club, a number of safety concerns arise. Luckily, so far, there has been no major incident or accident. It is however the primary responsibility of the harbour-master, to…

  • Safety Technique: The Hierarchy of Controls

    To prevent the occurrence of profession-related accidents while working with any equipment, every manager and worker should be aware of the hazards of specific apparatus and follow the measures that can control them. In the case of a metal shearing machine, the main hazards include contact with scrap metal, entrapment from moving parts, blades, or…

  • A Car: Technical Specifications & Safety Features

    Table of Contents Introduction Vehicle highlights Safety Interior Design and Special Features Comfort & Convenience Exterior Specifications Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the new 2010 Nissan Maxima car. The paper provides an overall description of the car that includes the various highlights of…

  • Safety Evaluation Techniques and Accident Data Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Data sources Primary accident types Contributing factors of accidents Analysis Discussion Limitations Assumptions Conclusion and recommendation Works Cited Introduction The main aim of this report is to find out the number of accidents that occurred in the year 2010 in the recreational boating services in US. The accidents has been grouped…

  • Community Resources that Promote Safety. Marion Senior Services

    Community resources are assets that are accessible to all community members which help them meet their particular needs. The resources can be funded or run by the government, individuals, or non-profit groups, and they serve a community in different ways. People, community services, or structures such as clinics and safe houses are examples of community…

  • Traffic Situation and Safety Concerns in Saudi Arabia

    Introduction For the past two decades, Saudi Arabia has been experiencing significant developments in most aspects of its economic sectors. One of the sectors, which have had tremendous growth, is the transportation sector. The recent developments began close to two decades ago when the population of Saudi Arabia more than doubled, resulting in the government…

  • Safety Plan for the Warehouse with Refrigeration

    Table of Contents Introduction Conducting Investigation Identification of Possible Sources of the Problem The Standards Applicable to Possible Sources Recommendations References Introduction This is a safety plan for a very large warehouse with a large refrigerated section. Most of the workers have reported cases of illnesses, specifically dizziness and lightheadedness from the refrigerated part of…

  • Ergonomics and Work Safety in the Foundry Industry

    The aspects of ergonomics play the key role in discussing the workplace safety and the process excellence in relation to the foundry industry. Failures in following the ergonomics criteria lead to the problems with the workload, environmental safety, and to the workers stress. Ergonomic characteristics are developed to avoid the psychological, muscular, and visual disturbances…