Category: Safety

  • Fire Safety Education and Risks for Children

    Table of Contents Introduction Brainstorming Concept Map Thesis Statement Conclusion References Introduction Fire and rescue authorities around the world are increasingly concerned with the enduringly grave statistics of fire-related deaths of children. The vast majority of children are aware of many dangers associated with fire; however, there are also those who consider firing a source…

  • RFID Chips: Safety in Personal Identification Tags

    Table of Contents Introduction Major Concerns Fears Can Help Criminals Major Safeguards Conclusion References Introduction Technological advances have made peoples lives much easier and more comfortable. For instance, RFID technologies have been used in supply chain management for years, and this advancement has been already introduced in the sphere of peoples personal and financial data…

  • Road Safety Precautions for Drivers

    Regardless of what many people may think, traffic safety is the most important thing when it comes to cars. Many people, who have disobeyed traffic laws, exist for the safety of everyone; have ended up dead or killing innocent people. The United States has an average of 42,000 car crash-related deaths a year. (Lonero, 35-38)…

  • Safety Measures of Social Worker in Education

    Emphasizing social workers wellbeing is significant, given the real factors of the social practice climate. All social organizations have strategies that address the security of employees, the board, and the organization, as well as customers. Almost 90% of 1,029 surveyed social workers reported encountering mental aggression in the course of their careers (Ringstad, 2005). Thus,…

  • The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls

    Understanding the safety of professionals working in hazardous environments is vital for every discipline. The article On the Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls has been informative in understanding how safety protocols work in the mechanical industry. The author, Ralph Barnett, has been objective in implementing a methodology approach that analyzes vital safety hierarchy documents…

  • Allowing Armed Teachers on Campus as Safety Measures

    Gun violence is a serious and growing threat to human life and culture. Increasing rates of mass shootings and suicides on campus have opened much speculation and debate on school security policies and legislation to prevent and eliminate such a threatening situation. The safety of students and teachers has become a matter of concern for…

  • Car Seat Safety and Educational Awareness Programs

    Introduction This research paper is about car seat safety which would highlight the safety procedures and recommendations needed to be taken care of, along with the accidents in which children have got injured due to lack of car seat safety. This research paper would also present awareness to parents regarding car seat safety, how different…

  • Safety in the Mining Industry

    The mining industry The mining industry is one of the biggest employers across the world. Millions of people work in the industry as miners, geologists, process engineers, health care workers, and Geotechnical engineers among other roles (Humphreys, 2015). Studies have established that mining is one of the main economic pillars in some of the worlds…

  • School Safety and Gun Violence Prevention

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Within quite a short period, a number of cruel massacres have come to define the school shootings in the United States. 13 dead at Columbine, 26 dead at Sandy Hook, and 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, they took the lives of many victims of…

  • Community Resources that Promote Safety. Marion Senior Services

    Community resources are assets that are accessible to all community members which help them meet their particular needs. The resources can be funded or run by the government, individuals, or non-profit groups, and they serve a community in different ways. People, community services, or structures such as clinics and safe houses are examples of community…