Category: Safety

  • Train Control and Safety: Public Policy Meeting

    Table of Contents Introduction Key Information Implementation Deadlines Positions of the Stakeholders Key Interactions Conclusion References Introduction Public policy meetings are an essential part of the legislative process in the United States. The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee oversees matters related to technology, science, consumer affairs, transportation, communications, and more (Senate Committee, 2018). The…

  • Implementation of Workplace Safety Standards Regarding Chemicals

    Introduction Attention Getting Device Death and injury due to accidental chemical exposure is a constant and real danger in construction sites around the world. On average nearly 30 million workers a year are exposed to hazardous substances due to improper handling standards, no prior knowledge regarding the corrosiveness of a particular chemical and a distinct…

  • US Safety in the State of International Anarchy

    When assessing the US security under international anarchy from the standpoint of structural realism, one can note that there are no significant threats to the state. Anarchy assumes the absence of a single global system of government, and, as Nedal and Nexon argue, fails to produce recurrent balances of power. However, such a superpower as…

  • Public Safety Department of Connecticut vs. John Doe

    Table of Contents Introduction The intention of Amicus Curiae Summary of Argument The resulting Argument Conclusion References Introduction The Megans Law in Connecticut asserts that an individual convicted of a sexual crime has to register with the a Public Safety department soon as he or she is released from conviction to join the society, the…

  • Law That Aims to Protect School Safety Acts of Kindness in Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction In 2018, after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the state authorities decided to introduce new requirements stated in a law that aims to protect school safety (Ochoa, 2018). Some schools, referring to the new law accepted by the state, decided…

  • Sobriety Tests by National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

    Currently, the USA transport sector is marred with drunk driving, which usually leads to deaths, property destruction, and permanent injury. Despite numerous campaigns to curb the menace, many drivers still use alcohol or other drugs while driving their vehicles. Therefore, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) devised three sobriety tests to help the police…

  • Transportation Safety and Security Regulations: Advantages and Disadvantages

    It is important to note that transportation safety and security regulations have their advantages and disadvantages, which can be reflected not only in cases of fatalities and injuries but also costs incurred and the effectiveness of their implementations. The most evident advantage of such regulatory practices is safety and security increase, which means that both…

  • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Competencies

    Table of Contents Blog Post on the QSEN competency Mind Map Blog Posts Stemming from the Original Blog Post References QSEN Competencies include graduate, pre-licensure, and safety competencies targeted at developing skills and knowledge for future nursing graduates (QSEN, 2014). They include safety, quality improvement, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, informatics, collaboration, and teamwork (QSEN, 2014).…

  • The Issues of Safety and Violence in the Emergency Care

    Table of Contents PICOT Question Search Strategy Conducted Critical Appraisal of the Evidence Performed References PICOT Question Emergency room healthcare providers (p) given safety and violence protocol training (i) versus those providers not given the safety and violence protocol training (c) demonstrate increased knowledge of safety and violence policies and procedures(o) over the next six…

  • Efficacy and Safety of Human Papillomavirus Gardasil

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works cited Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, and continued HPV infection can cause cervical cancer in women, anal cancer, genital cancer, and genital warts in both men and women. First epidemiological data, derived from the U.S National Health…