Category: Segregation

  • Whiteness: Segregation and Gentrification

    In any developed society, there is a problem of social inequality and an unbalanced distribution of spaces. Discovering the connection between social and spatial inequalities is considered a vital issue. Historically, the gentrification of poor urban areas may have been carried out by the white population through the oppression of blacks. This essay aims to…

  • Black Ghettoes and Racial Residential Segregation

    Although America is actively combating all racial discrimination, racial segregation is still a reality in several issues. One of the modern examples of interracial discord is the ghettos. A ghetto refers to an area where the countrys black population lives, separated from the rest of the city. Such sites create several problems, chief among them…

  • White and Ethnic Groups Segregation

    From the beginning of its immigration history, The United States of America encountered successive waves of settlement, especially from Europe and later from other continents. The majority of immigrants were from North and West Europe and established the foundation for the dominant culture so that others had to adjust. The South, Central, and East Europe…

  • Is Gentrification Another Form of Segregation?

    Introduction Gentrification has no single interpretation; there are anthropological, sociocultural, Marxist, and many other interpretations, all of which have the potential to exist. However, if one tries to describe the concepts, gentrification is a change in the property system when a more prosperous group replaces the poorer groups and invests in the territory (Lees &…

  • Whiteness: Segregation and Gentrification

    In any developed society, there is a problem of social inequality and an unbalanced distribution of spaces. Discovering the connection between social and spatial inequalities is considered a vital issue. Historically, the gentrification of poor urban areas may have been carried out by the white population through the oppression of blacks. This essay aims to…

  • Readings on Slavery and Racial Segregation in the US

    There are certain themes expressed in the readings that are too surprising to be true. Many years after slavery was abandoned, the black generation is still suffering its consequences. Despite the fact that some of the black parents have succeeded and are involved in high-profile jobs in the United States, an attitude of slavery is…

  • Gentrification and Segregation in US Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion and Recommendations Works Cited Introduction As the population of the United States continues to rise and more people move to the countrys cities, the need for additional housing grows. As a result, gentrification has become a more common phenomenon. Gentrification refers to the process of transforming areas to meet…

  • Housing Segregation: Ghettos and Gated Communities

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Gated communities provide their residents with certain exclusivity. They are chosen even before they move in, so that an appropriate environment for a particular neighborhood is maintained. As this type of community is so selective of its inhabitants, it makes segregation inseparable from its image…

  • Segregation in Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee

    Disgrace is a novel written by J. M. Coetzee at the very end of the 20th century. It was awarded several times and received positive feedback from numerous critics. With his work, the author urged society to pay attention to the morality of their actions. He depicts the life of David Lurie, a male professor…

  • The Separate But Equal Education and Racial Segregation

    Racial segregation was common in the U.S. in the previous century. For instance, a separate but equal doctrine implied the provision of separate facilities of the same quality for people of color. In 1947, the Coordinating Board of Texas Colledge and University System established a new, separate university (Texas College and University System, 1967). Despite…