Category: Social Problems

  • Social Problems: Exploring the Main Types

    Table of Contents Introduction Crime Violence Drug abuse Environmental problems Conclusion Reference Introduction A social problem is a condition considered by some members who live in a particular community as being undesirable. The big population generally agrees about some social problems, such as murders and robbery. Other social problems are viewed differently, dependent on the…

  • Benchmark as Social Problems

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Poverty is a situation when people do not have enough means of subsistence. They have not chosen such a scanty lifestyle for themselves like, for example, ascetics or philosophers. Poverty is a crucial social issue in the modern world as it concerns not only a particular…

  • Social Deviance Contribution to Social Problems

    Social deviance describes a set of behaviors that do not align with the expectations and norms of a specific society. Since the traditions, history, and culture of each nation are different, the type of behavior that is considered deviant may vary. Oftentimes, the deviant behavior that is of the utmost concern is the type that…

  • Americas Social Problems Through the Song Cookie Jar by J. Johnson

    This country is experiencing turmoil as never before seen in its history. This country has been engaged in numerous wars and rumors of wars are coming fresh every day. There is a threat within and without. But aside from the external threat coming from enemies in foreign lands, there are more serious problems within the…

  • Modern Social Problems Through the Sociological Imagination Prism

    Table of Contents Introduction Personal Issues and Public Issues Conclusion References Introduction The definition and understanding of contemporary social problems since the 1950s are not complete without understanding the concept of the sociological imagination. For a proper discernment of this term, it is necessary to support it with other theoretical ideas that best reveal the…

  • Violence: The Social Problem

    Introduction Following the news in the media, people acknowledge the prevalence of violence in society. In addition to violence depiction in various films, shows, and video games, news outlets are filled with reports on cases of violence as well. It should be noted in such matters that there are no layers in the society, which…

  • Migration as a Social Problem

    Table of Contents Solutions Conclusion References Sociologists have over a long time studied tribulations of migration and its consequences across and within cultures. Migration is defined in a number of ways but for this paper, it shall be used to refer to the movement of persons from one country or locality to another as defined…

  • Potential Threat of Coronavirus as a Social Problem in Haines City, Florida

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus is an emerging health threat in the 21st century. Although it is mainly associated with the latest outbreak in Wuhan, China, it raises concerns across the world, including Haines City, Florida. While there have been no confirmed cases, the potential threat of an epidemic remains a social issue. The…

  • Americas Social Problems Nowadays

    War is an upheaval that arises as a result of a misunderstanding among two or more groups of people which can be within a nation, or among states. There are many types of war. One of the examples is conventional warfare and this is where soldiers fight physically with their opponent and the types of…