Category: Social Responsibility

  • Corporate Social Responsibility of Business and Government

    Rapid technological development during the XXth century and consequent aggravation of environmental issues has raised many concerns about the future of the planet among people all over the world. As a response to that threat, the governments implement numerous regulations that are intended to protect and preserve nature. Moreover, private companies such as Walt Disney,…

  • Zulu Community and Its Social Responsibilities

    Table of Contents Introduction Type of people in the community Communitys responsibility Organizations social responsibility Conclusion References Introduction To begin with, it is important to establish that the communitys main economic activity is hunting. People from the Zulu community are mainly hunters and gatherers. The main avenue where the community interacts is during social actives…

  • The Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport

    A clubs balance sheet may include a stadium and a training facility, or an 18-figure sum in cash or a bank account, but its main asset is the local communitys support. Corporate social responsibility in sports has a favorable effect on the state of the environment. Valuable and important benefits are received not only by…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility for Development Through Sport

    Levermore (2011) presented an empirical study depicting the association between CSR and sports as aspects fueling economic and social development. The research was conducted to address the paucity and dilemma apparent in relation to the evaluation of CSR. The results had the capability to avail vital information on how development was realized from CSR and…

  • Lack of Humanistic Perspective and Social Responsibility

    Table of Contents Summary of the Article Main Problem(s) Recommended Resolution(s) Case Study: Hartford Connecticut Hit and Run References Summary of the Article The article by Dragga & Voss the lack of consideration of human life in reporting accidents in the media. The article provides that most of the reporting of accidents done in print…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility for Attracting Consumers

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an idea created outside the directorial experience and contains inflexible implications that lack transparency and relevance. Corporate social responsibility is simplified into four categories: environmental, philanthropic, ethical, and economic responsibility (Salvioni & Gennari, 2017). Several studies tell how CSR elements drive customers majorly through a set of variables, such as…

  • Free Market and Corporate Social Responsibility

    In todays world economy, there is only one rule that can be applied to a free market: supply and demand. In this case, the free market has nothing to do with corporate social responsibility. Milton Friedmans philosophy was also based on the idea that despite the claims of large companies about their concern for nature,…

  • MBA Dissertation Proposal: Consumer Awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Research methodology Findings and analysis Case Study Conclusion References Appendix: Questionnaire Introduction This dissertation aims to measure the level of consumers awareness about CSR (corporate social responsibility) in such countries as the United Kingdom and Qatar. On the whole, this concept is relatively new; it came into existence at…

  • SOCAR Companys Corporate Social Responsibility

    Business organizations implement powerful models and structures to produce superior services or products and market them successfully to their customers. Many people admire companies whose procedures, practices, and initiatives add value to them. Leaders and managers should also consider or pursue evidence-based strategies that have the potential to drive performance and fulfill the changing needs…

  • Should Companies Engage Corporate Social Responsibility?

    Introduction There is no doubt that the global companies impact on diverse aspects of life is enormous  social and environmental, as well as political and economic ones experience an immense contribution on behalf of the corporations. Be it an airline company or a coffee distributor  regardless of their realm, the corporations contribute to…