Category: Social Responsibility

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Practices

    Summary of the Chapter Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the best practices in every business organization. This chapter identifies CSR as a corporations duty to create its wealth using methods that enhance social welfare (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 123). The CSR idea evolved in the last half of the 20th century. The…

  • Corporate Social Responsibilities of a Company In India

    Table of Contents Introduction Essay Body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction This report contains the major corporate social responsibility and environmental issues that the company will encounter when it relocates to India, a developing country. With the changing times, there is a lot of pressure that mounts on companies from the stakeholders i.e. the employees, customers,…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept Overview

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that emphasizes businesses obligation to be socially responsible and to give back to the community (David, 2013). The concept especially applies to large corporations: as they grow and expand, they accumulate a great deal of power that depending on its use, can be restorative or detrimental. Because…

  • Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Work Cited Introduction CSR is a concept of management that involves policies that institutions adopt to consider social, economic, and environmental implications while meeting the stakeholders and shareholders expectations. Numerous organizations list companies according to their CSR performance and these ratings often attract significant publicity (Porter, Michael, and Mark,…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Profit for Companies

    Introduction Currently, global companies make a significant impact on all aspects of life: economic, social, environmental, and even political, at times. Be it an energy company, or a fashion retail company  regardless of their field, the companies contribute in different ways to the society not only by their end-product but also by how they…

  • What can Managers do to Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility?

    Identify a Current Problem The modern problem managers should solve in corporate social responsibility is the neglect of societies by the business organizations. Business firms are causing more harm to the people around them because they are not giving back to the communities but making them suffer from pollution and environmental degradation from their operations.…

  • Planning and Implementing of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate social responsibility is a broad term which can be defined in several ways. A concise way of defining would therefore mean that it is the social responsibility which the organization exercises on the societies within which they exist. In other words, it is the responsibility linked with the employees, stake holders covering ethical issues,…

  • Significance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business

    A sustainable trend in the modern world is the expansion of the social function of business beyond the minimum obligations defined by society. Business today pays more attention to social responsibility programs and improving the quality of corporate governance. For modern business, the coordination of interests with other participants in social interaction is one of…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility of Starbucks

    Introduction and Organization Overview In the face of various aroused challenges, including global warming and the COVID-19 pandemic, corporate social responsibility (CSR) acquires increasing importance for the prosperity of business and society altogether. In these contexts, Starbucks Corporation can serve as an exemplary entity with active CSR clearly determined and consistently conducted by the leadership…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Who Will Control Business?

    Large corporations that create resources for human comfort and well-being rarely think about their actions on the environment. Environmental pollution is a severe problem, and the fight against it has been going on for decades. Corporations must be aware of their responsibility and understand how their activities are connected to societys economic and social aspects.…