Category: Social Science

  • Art Therapy in Social Sciences

    Psychology Psychology evaluates the workings of the human mind and its ability to explore various behaviors and emotions. Art therapy evaluates the impact of art on these mental processes, intersecting with psychology. Mood and emotional reactions to various art during therapy are crucial pointers to the psychological aspects of a person. Sociology Sociology investigates various…

  • Development of Meaning: Social Science Value

    Like any other science, social science has led to discovering new ideologies and evidence through a continued exploration of hypothetical perceptions. Stuart Firestein (2013) in The Pursuit of Ignorance argued that science traces its evidence from the unknown and that the acknowledgment of what data fails to solidify fuels scientific discoveries. However, the uncovering of…

  • Sampling Strategies for Social Sciences Study

    The Organizational Assessment Study leader should implement sampling strategies which Iwamoto, Crews, & Coe Company could use to collect the data they require. The data sampling strategies include the following: Probability Based Sampling Strategies Simple Random Sampling Methods In simple random sampling techniques, each component of the population is given an equal opportunity or probability…

  • Theory and Methodology in Social Science Research

    Table of Contents Significance of a suitable question Three research problems Discussion Conclusion Reference Significance of a suitable question The issue of media in everyday life of human beings is among the most pivotal. The question is that living in the post-industrial society, one needs to use information, as the main product of suchlike type…

  • Social Sciences: Current Realities, and Future Trends

    Social sciences emerged when the need arose for the scientific study of human behavior and the functioning of public institutions. This explanation underlies the analysis of the main spheres of society, such as culture, social interaction, problems of social inequality, social institutions, as well as economic and political systems (Colander & Hunt, 2015). This review…

  • What Is Meant By Social Science Paradigms?

    Social science paradigms can be defined as the frames and models according to which researchers can observe the world and make conclusions about the certain institutions, processes, and interactions within the society. As a result, social science paradigms are used in order to organize the researchers observation and reasoning and provide the ways to discuss…

  • Analyzing Tests and Scales in Social Science

    Abstract The paper at hand provides a brief review of the tests and scales applied to data measurement in social science. One touches upon the most widely-used approaches, as well as, the basic principles of reliability and validity measurement. A particular focus is put on the health science and the scales that are typically employed…

  • Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Sciences

    Table of Contents Introduction The Importance of Humanities Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Humanities, social science, and natural sciences are major disciplines that deal with human beings and their culture. The main similarity between the three subjects is that they study society and human relationships. However, humanities deal with the heritage and the question of what…

  • Interdisciplinary Approach in Social Science

    This paper analyzes interdisciplinary approach in social science education. It looks at its merits as a teaching technique and proves the need of studying social science through interdisciplinary perspectives. Table of Contents Introduction Eliminates Close-Mindedness Fosters Cognitive Abilities Applicable to Social Intolerance Support of Morality Cost Factor Conclusion References Introduction Most sociology scholars are drawn…

  • Application of Research in Social Sciences Reflection Paper

    Table of Contents Introduction Roles of research Qualitative and quantitative research methods in Social Sciences Evaluation of research in social sciences Conclusion References Introduction Social science is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to explore aspects of human society. The fundamental roles of research in this field of study are not particularly hard to…