Category: Social Science

  • The Problems and the Future of Social Sciences

    Economic inequality is one of the ever-present global issues that social scientists try to resolve. Hunt and Colander (2016) note that even in the US, more than 12% of the population lives in poverty (p. 234). I believe that social scientists currently lack the ability to solve the issue, at least in the short term.…

  • Philosophy of Social Science and Education Research

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary and the main arguments Conclusion Reference List Introduction In this section of the book, Nel Noddings (1998) discusses the main philosophical assumptions underlying education research as well as social science. This question is of great importance to scholars who examine the nature of scientific knowledge. The main purpose of this…

  • Philosophy and Social Sciences

    Table of Contents Skepticism Sources of Knowledge Skepticism and Being Wrong Work Cited Skepticism Skepticism is the belief that human knowledge is fundamentally lacking in some way, which in turn undermines the conclusions people reach. As Vaughn notes, there are multiple schools of thought that adhere to this view, differentiated based on the reason for…

  • Voting Rights Through Social Science and History Lenses

    Table of Contents Introduction Researching the Topic: Voting Rights Voting Rights Through the History Lens Voting Rights Through the Social Science Lens Conclusion References Introduction The four lenses (perspectives) in liberal arts represent approaches in which various topics can be framed. Each of the lenses, humanities, social science, natural sciences, and history, has its own…

  • Course Social Sciences of Sport

    Soccer is a popular sport known to promote the sustainable existence of community members. Plays have a special place in human culture, as they teach society to improve their lives every day. The lessons, which can be learned by engaging in sporting practices are honesty and morals. The physical activities teach many primary principles, which…

  • Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students

    When conducting rigorous research into a topical issue, it is natural to expect serious challenges at each stage. In order to overcome them, it appears useful to categorize these challenges per each stage of the project. In terms of planning, the time factor may become a problematic point without due preparations (Adams, Khan, & Raeside,…

  • Saputo Inc. Cage Analysis: Humanities and Social Sciences

    Table of Contents Cultural Distance Administrative Distance Geographic Distance Economic Distance Conclusion References Saputo Inc. is a Canadian company that produces milk products and sells them in over 40 different countries under a variety of brands. It is among the largest dairy producers in the world, with massive production and sales volumes. Saputos facilities operate…