Category: Socialism

  • Anarchism vs. Socialism

    Governing ideologies represent a combination of ethical principles, ideals, doctrines, and symbols that would explain how society should work and be controlled. It is primarily concerned with how the government would be allocated, and to what ends it should influence a society. Because of the variety of influences from cultural, religious, and other forces, different…

  • Role of Socialism in Contemporary Society

    Has anyone ever thought of a world where only a small fraction of individuals owns the whole corporate world, but where every person, including the African American is equally treated? Can anyone think of a world where the worth of rich individuals like Bill Gates can equal that of the poorest African American person? Can…

  • Socialism History: Socialism in the United States

    Socialism is a political ideology that mainly encompasses theories emphasizing how government should interact with economic organization (Cole, 2003). It generally emphasizes on promoting economic values in the society. In addition this ideology promotes economic and social relations especially among low class people. Some of the administrative issues promoted by this ideology include post economic…

  • Americas Choice: A Move Towards Socialism

    Has capitalism failed? Look at some of the events of the past few years; they have left the average Joes, nurses, teachers, journalists, and countless others ready to throw in the towel regarding our free-enterprise system. Capitalism has seemed on the verge of a heart attack. The economy has been hit by one catastrophe after…

  • Socialism Ideology Benefiting the Public Good

    Under the ideology of socialism, a ruling class of social planners, intellectuals, and bureaucrats decides what is right for people and what they want. The coercive power of the state is then used for regulating, redistributing, and taxing the wealth of individuals who work to sustain their living. In many ways, socialism is an ideology…

  • Socialism and European Workers in the 19th Century

    Table of Contents Introduction Pre-Proletarian Bequests Philosophies and Utopia Socialist Organizations in Europe in the 19th Century Works Cited Introduction Socialism was a new ideology introduced in Europe in the 19th century. It was considered a modern political ideology after conservatism and liberalism, which were dominant in various European societies. Even though liberalism and conservatism…

  • Modern Day Application of Socialism

    Table of Contents Abstract Socialism Modern trends Conclusion Works Cited Abstract This paper focuses on the modern day application of socialism in western economies. It describes specific actions taken by western governments with the man focus being the US in minimizing the effect of the current economic recession but which have some underlying characteristics of…

  • Marxism and Socialism in Mending Walls Poem by Robert Frost

    Table of Contents Introduction The Marxist and Social Criticism Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The poem Mending Walls by Robert Frost, written and published in 1914, narrates a story originating from rural New England and talks about a fence between two industrious farmers estates that separates their properties. It is worth noting that the wall…

  • Weimar Republic and Rise of National Socialist Party

    Every school teacher needs to prepare materials for lessons properly. What is interesting in this process is that different teachers prefer various approaches to the preparation. The lesson discussed here is the part of the world history course of the 8th or 9th level in school. It will be dedicated to the discussion of the…

  • Marxist Means for Achieving Socialism

    There are various definitions and assertions as to what constituted the transition period. According to Marx, the transition period was a time when the means of production was brought into common ownership by the working class using the power of the state. In other words, it was a period when the working class had taken…