Category: Sociology 7256

  • Miami and Vulnerable Populations

    Table of Contents Introduction Vulnerable Population Overview Strengths, Risk Factors, and/or Barriers Community Resources Community Health Problem Diagnosis Summary References Introduction Miami is one of the more famous cities in the United States. It is located in Florida and has a dense and highly diverse population. The majority of its citizens live in the urban…

  • A Change in the Way You Deal With Other People

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Since no man is an island, it is convenient to learn how to handle other people in our lives. Before handling other people, it is worth noting that people are different. Some people are difficult to handle or impossible, while others are easygoing. An efficient way…

  • Intersectionality: Diversity Within Categories

    Abstract This paper explores the notion of intersectionality along with the challenges and advantages that it seems to open up. Having been suggested in the previous century, the idea of the importance of the intersectionality approach in the field of social studies appears to have changed our perception of discrimination. In a multicultural, multilingual, globalized…

  • Community Development in Context With Arab Society

    Community development work is a long term process which depends upon those group of people whom we refer to as community members since they reside in the same geographical location. Therefore, community development cannot be defined without addressing and acknowledging the levels at which the community members participate. This indicates social workers are unable to…

  • Personality Type and Work-Related Outcomes

    Table of Contents Personality Types Theories My Personality Type Personality Influence on Effective Leadership References Personality is a set of features that differentiate people one from another. Theorists have been trying to define the words personality and trait for many years. Some psychologists claim that trait theory is a trend to emphasize the importance and…

  • Personal Identity: Humes Argument

    Philosophical questioning of personal identity concerns ourselves by virtue of being persons instead of living things, material objects, or rational beings. Precisely, philosophers attempted to solve the question, what does being the individual that you are, from one day to the next, necessarily entail? Literary, the question is one of life and death since the…

  • The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860

    The article titled The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860 written by Barbara Welter, describes how women were treated and the role they played in the male dominated society. In those times it was extremely important for a woman to be humble and do anything that the society demanded. First of all she had to be…

  • The Early Womens Movement

    Chapter 6, titled The Early Womens Movement, is a discussion of how the early womens movement fought against enslavement. It contains 8 articles, mainly speeches presented by opponents of slavery and female oppression during the 1800s. Black and white women were against societal repression, including the bonds of slavery and domination by men respectively. The…

  • The Issue of Pleasure

    Discussing and Imagining Pleasure for Ourselves and Others The weeks readings offered different perspectives on the issue of pleasure both in public and private. They showed the extensive scope of the problems associated with sex, pornography, and prostitution. Among them is the necessity to create a discourse that would consider various points of view, experiences,…

  • Group Effectiveness. Brief and Main Factors

    There has been an increasing demand on group works especially in different sectors since group interactions have been seen to be effective in attaining certain set goals and objectives. Effective group works increase productivity and the quality of output. However, many people do not have the skills that make a group effective especially in the…