Category: Software

  • Software Development and Evaluation

    Table of Contents Developing Software for an Organization Software Development Matrix Evaluation of Software Maintenance Software Maintenance Plan References Developing Software for an Organization In the software engineering field, experts define software development methodologies as those processes that divide the work of software development into sequential, parallel, or smaller sub-processes or steps to enhance project…

  • New Framework of Software Reliability Measurement Article Critique

    Table of Contents Introduction Defining the issue Software reliability process The Suggested Reliability Measurement Framework Conclusion References Introduction As a part of computer science, software engineering is responsible for the in-depth study of the design, development, and technical support of software. It aims to meet the challenge of low-quality software development projects. With that said,…

  • Information System Hardware and Software

    Outline Information technology involves a wide range of operations where computer software as well as hardware is utilized. A number of new devices have been produced lately and are available in computer shops displays. A visit to one of the computer shops provided a good opportunity during which some of these latest information technology software…

  • Distribution of Anti-Virus Software

    Table of Contents Introduction Connection between end users and Networks Corporate users and free anti-virus software Other issues Role of different users in maintaining network security Works Cited Introduction Dozens of new threats are being raised every fortnight. Viruses, hacker attacks and other cyber threats are now becoming a nightmare. In this era of knowledge…

  • Neurofeedback Software and Technology Comparison

    Table of Contents MIDI Vs. other technologies Brain Bay software Vs Bio Era EEG, MEG and other technologies Works Cited MIDI Vs. other technologies MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a protocol designed for recording and playing back music on digital synthesizers that are supported by many makes of personal computer sound cards. (MIDI: Definition,…

  • The Software Development Life Cycle

    At one time, my classmate was involved in a project that failed. It was not a commercial assignment. It was related to preparation for a school intellectual programming competition. The team at the school reached the finals of the competition, which had to provide a working application that should automate the learning process. A lesson…

  • AutoCAD Softwares Benefits and Disadvantages

    Historically, the creation of precise blueprints and designs has been the topical objective of engineers and architects. However, prior to the present day, they had to perform such tasks manually, which increased their duration, as well as the cost of mistakes in the process. Today, advanced digital solutions exist, allowing architects and engineers to develop…

  • Software Tools for Qualitative Research

    Table of Contents Introduction HyperRESEARCH NVivo Dedoose Comparison of NVivo, HyperRESEARCH, and Dedoose Will the Software Packages be Necessary for my Dissertation? Conclusion References Introduction Many qualitative researchers use computer-assisted software tools to undertake their studies (Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña, 2014). Although there are many types of software available to researchers, only some of them…

  • Data Scientist and Software Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Working Styles Development Lifecycle Conclusion References Introduction With the technological revolution of the 21st century, data has become an important tool in decision-making. However, to derive meaning out of raw data, it has to be analyzed  a task done by data scientists. These professionals transform data into insight, thus giving…

  • Applications, Software and System Development

    How Does Understanding Various Microsoft Office Applications Enhance Productivity in Education, the Workplace, and at Home? The use of Microsoft Office applications greatly enhances productivity in educational matters, at work, and in various everyday activities at home. Microsoft Word is a program for word processing that is used to create and edit text documents. Microsoft…