Category: Stem Cell

  • Human Adult Versus Embryonic Stem Cells Study

    Moreover, the continuous debate about funding of the research created another obstacle for the progress of the stem cell therapy (Learn.Genetics, n.d.). In order to successfully continue the study of the treatment of Parkinsons disease (PD) using stem cell transplantation, scientists would have to address a number of ethical and legal issues related to this…

  • Adult Stem Cell Research, Its Present and Future

    Table of Contents Introduction Relevant Background Information How Stem Cell Research is Treated in Different Healthcare Systems Views of Those Supporting the Stem Cell Research Rationale of Those Opposing Stem Cell Research Conclusion References Introduction The controversy on stem cell research provides an ideal research ground to understand the views of the society on scientific…

  • Use of Adult Stem Cells in Medicine

    The presentations equipped me with new knowledge about adult stem cells. First, I learned that these cells can replicate indefinitely. They are defined by the ability to break down unlimited times. Second, they can transform their identities or convert to cells of entirely different tissues. For example, adult bone marrow cells can be converted to…

  • Debate on Stem Cell Development from Human Embryo

    Introduction Several ethical debates have been conducted in the past concerning the development, utilization, and obliteration of human embryos. Stem cells can change to several different cells that can be used in medical treatments. Although stem cell engineering has been done to help in solving various medical problems such as trauma, genetic complications and degenerative…

  • Stem Cells Research for the Cure of Cerebral Palsy

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature review Methods Results Discussion and conclusion References Introduction Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive condition that results from brain damage to the fetus during embryological development or immediately after birth (Carroll and Robert 468). Due to its early onset in a persons life, the condition is diagnosed in infancy and early…